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Everything posted by junyong84

  1. how much is Havlock road selling???
  2. i think there are aleady pple using this salt.... juz that they are either too lazy to post the review....or they dunno that there is such a discussion goin on... or... they think the salt doesn't make any difference to the corals and fishies??? i might go n try it soon...
  3. i think some calcium is already present in water... hm... go for marine environment salt...
  4. cheap equipment would be C238...and petmart...
  5. hope there are no jokers around.... haha... imagining...someone vote: married to tank/fish...
  6. any where can i get this kind of sponge replacement?
  7. ayio...hw cme u dun use em...juz feed em finish lar..
  8. IMO, u shld go n look for the dead body.... if not...ur water parametes...would ran...
  9. i hang my weipro too... coz i haf no sump nor refugium so far... hey, how did u get that black skimmate... i can't get anything... my skimmer dun skim that much...
  10. IMO, 1.5 week cycle and add so many fishes is far too dangerous... and ur LR is too little.. a short cycle...ur fish might not be able to cope wif the stress and wld get illness easily...
  11. 1 ft??? wah... can lay quite a few if ur tanks is really big.. hahaaa
  12. u might wan to cycle the new LR in a quaratine tank first??? IMO...
  13. 1 min will do.. 3 mins would be killing em... i would go for... aged freshwater dip.... then, put em into copper solution tank. further treat it till it is eating well, and swimming happily.. sth its not ich, but air bubbles on the fish... observe the fish behaviour pls!
  14. ur nemo = percula? those orange colour kind???
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