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Everything posted by junyong84

  1. would the fishes wan to eat em in the first place??? oil would poullate water...
  2. can u make tank raised clowns to host??? i juz realise that my tank raised clown don't even noe whats LRs and anemone. It juz love hiding near my powerhead...
  3. if u dun use the sponge...then when the water flows down..it splashes everywhere.... how to stop that?
  4. ayiah....buy in bulk cheaper... IMO, i mean ur fishes haf to eat em sooner or later...so might as well get alot rite... haha
  5. i cant tell the diff between puffer and boxfishes...argh
  6. i got a feeling its a combination of a clarkii and percula. I haf one of these at home too. its behaviour is really like a percula.. but its mouth and face...looks very much like a clarkii...
  7. then 4get abt it...i cant get it... takin too much space in my tank.. really lookin 4 somethin that is very compact and strong...
  8. tell us when e new stock is here...
  9. my cleaner shrimps seems to be attacking some kind of funny worms in my LRs...
  10. brine and mysis shrimps are never too big for ur fishes..haha
  11. save ur $$$ lar...juz age ur water will do!
  12. to add on...if not ur fishes might not be able to cope wif the high chlorine content in the water...and they are....
  13. IMO...best is haf the same kind throughout...
  14. i use gualic to defrost my cubes...then pour everythin over a sieve...then feed my fishes...
  15. huh...i didnt see em at sealife b4... i go SL like once every week...
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