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Everything posted by junyong84

  1. Hey, any one here frequents the gym or into body building????
  2. 1 ft?? thats very small tank... y dun u go back to the place where u bought ur light hood?
  3. dun worry...as time go by...they would be alrite... maybe sure they feed
  4. probably its dead if it dun cme out for abt 2 days...
  5. hey...where can we get tickets for aquarama?
  6. ORDER LIST Nick: shirt Design Colour Size (choose #1 or #2) (black/navy/white) (S/M/L/XL) 1. Coralife #1 white M - 1 no. 2. Shieldk #1 white M 3. Shieldk #1 navy M 4. Clownfish #1 white M + #1 black M - 2 in total 5. Stinger #1 white L + #2 navy L 6.dispar_anthias #1 navy M 7. bwilly #1 white M 8. davwong #1 white M 9. JC85 #1 white L 10. NgaoCi #1 white XL 11. Yazid #1 White XL + #1 Navy XL 12. Cleartank #1 White L + #1 white M 13. eprouve #1 Black L 14. planetg #2 Navy L 15. Terryz_ #1 Navy L 16. kenzo #1 White L + #2 Black L 17. Fireclown #1 White M 18. Tanzy #2 White M + #2 Black M 19. [P]owder Blue #02 Black M 20. FuEl #1 White M + #2 Black M 21. junyong84 #1 White L + #2 White L
  7. whats dolly version... saw alot of shops still got HALO wat...
  8. open where there is no light??? hw cme they are call sun coral?
  9. watever for... unless u gotta feed it damn fat... n thats costly... in the end...u wun want to kill it!
  10. y do u wan a tall tank.... keep a long length and moderate height tank lar...
  11. care to show some pics of ur corals?
  12. its normal... i kept a few anemones...and they open n close as n well... dun haf to worry lar..
  13. many pple ask this question b4... IMO,... u add fishes accordin to their sizes... so on...
  14. no washin wif tapwater.. LR comes from sea... = they need saltwater for the organisms in em to survive... using tapwater wld simply kill off all the organisms(good n bad)...which makes ur LR to DEAD ROCKs... yup... plants on LRs??? IMO, shld be alage lar... I haf these on my LRs too...and they die off eventually... u can dun bother abt em....or pluck em off... yup yup... taking pests off the LRs... i dun haf much experience...i put em in my tank and wait for em to come out...and use hands to catch em...n kill em wif hotwater.. regarding this issue...someone who is more experience...i would like to hear from him/her as well ....
  15. haha...i cant decide which 1 is nice... everythin looks rather attractive to me.. tell me when the ordering of t-shirts come...i surely get 1...
  16. argh! stop it... sth wrong wif my comp...i cant play games!
  17. agreed that HALO rocks... almost bought XBox becoz of this game.. HALO 2 is not out for PC yet wwat.. it juz came out for Xbox if i m not rock.. argh...too bad sth wrong wif my comp..i cant play games now!!!
  18. dude..i haf been playin CM since CM1... bascially every new CM game has its own problems.. patches do solve some problems...but not all.. Have fun!
  19. what if ur filter didnt manage to suck em it... eh...
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