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Everything posted by junyong84

  1. i think once u can make it start feeding, everything shld be alrite...
  2. where did u see it? show us a pic?
  3. if u every think that MH and T5s can replace sunlight, then its a fallacy... corals that grow near the surface of water are normally more colourful becoz of the light they recieve
  4. argh, me so late... any more stuff to let go?
  5. what kind of food can i used to feed baby brine shrimps after hatching them?
  6. my DSB with diatoms have this problem too... probably is the diatoms that are breathing...
  7. which shop did u see the super sun coral?
  8. awaiting for aquarama... maybe there got sell...
  9. have ur market prawn start to decompose yet? what test kits u using?
  10. i think it was old shipment... has been gg there everyweek... the fish shipment is new... irwana got new coral shipment??? any where else got new coral shipment???
  11. AA price is a bit steep. but quality is there. have to check with em for their shipments.
  12. hey guys, i have just restructed my tank, selling my lemonpeel off. price is $35. Fixed. lemonpeel is very fat and alert and feeding well! interested pls pm me!
  13. most LFS shld haf. can try reborn, C328...iwarna...etc...
  14. my MH resting on my hood... shld be no problem
  15. what is the size of flame hawk & AT spotted at ah-beng? any more LPS or softies shipment in any places this week?
  16. SPS shipment is very good, but i don't think there are much nice ones left as for i-aqua... got new shipment of fishes, tubeworms. i actually watch em unpack every single fishes. haha... normal fish shipment. Damsels, gobies, lionfishes, angels. Where is plot 35 anw?
  17. put the food near the powerhead and let the powerhead deliver the food...
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