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Everything posted by plakat

  1. thanks alot guys...have since bought a T5HO from AQUAMARIN plus some other gadgets..currently tank up and cycling. will post some pics of my humble tank in the future
  2. what filter media should i use for my newly bought JEBO 912 cannister filter for my 2ft FOWLR?? currently i'm using the black sponge provide + coral chips as reccomended by C328 auntie...can be improved?
  3. wah...everyone all reccomend T5 making me gian liao....errrmmm btw anyone can give me a rough gauge on the price of 2X36w PL lights(1daylight,1actinic).
  4. thanks for the insight on the T5 tubes..but i was wondering would PL light be better for my application? since i'm using a shallow 1 ft tank + 2-3inch SB and budget would be my main piority(NSF here). 1 more thing to ask would 2x 36w be sufficient for my tank? maybe if really cannot then i got to up my budget get a T5 tube like bro sotong reccomend.. read up on all the impt stuff liao like initial cycling phase and filtration...now left lighting very confused!help pls!
  5. hi there, from what i understand T5 HO lights are more expensive then FL/PL lights rite? since i'm on a budget i'll probably give it a miss. oh yeap! thanks for the help though think i'm too lost to understand...1 more question MH is metal halide, FL is Fluro light. but what does PL mean?
  6. hi there, i'm very new to this reef keeping hobby, having only some experience in keeping freshwater fishes. I've done my research for the past few weeks tru this wonderful forum, however i'm still quite stumbled regarding which lighting would be suitable for me. i'm currently setting up a 2x1x1 tank with some soft corals and LPS. Am i right to say that a 2 tubes of 36W actinic & Daylight FL light is suitable for my current setup? BTW wat is PL lights? and would it be better for me to use them? or what would be a better solution for me? thanks alot for the help.
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