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About CooL_anakin

  • Birthday 10/19/1987

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    Kayaking, Nature Walks, Computer Games...

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  1. I almost wanted to quit about a year ago when my mom at times "helped" poor additives directly on my corals. . There was a few times when she switched off the whole power to the circulating pump and everything else when she knows she only needs to switch off the lights. Needless to say, my tank became a graveyard the next morning. Best thing was she said not her fault, somemore ask me why my tank looks so ugly.
  2. In my opinion, 2 T5s are insufficient even if your tank is very shallow. I think your problem is in your lighting. I'ld recommend getting around 4-6 tubes for T5s or even MH. Another problem may be due to your calcium levels.Clams need quite a significant amount of calcium. Plz correct me if i'm wrong. =)
  3. That place is a graveyard for livestocks. I don't even buy from them anymore. I just pity those livestocks that were sent there.
  4. I think they would much rather prefer Phytoplankton as Zooplankton is much bigger and can't really be "capture" by the sponge easily. The sponge would also need to be situated in a place with good but not direct current. I think you'll need to feed sponges quite often and heavily as not all the phyto fed into the tank gets to it. It may be captured by many other organisms as well. Cheers
  5. You can try digging them out in clean beaches or mangroves. These worms can regenerate their bodies but still they may die if their bodies are broken so be a bit gentle.=) And it is best if you can put all of them in a corner of your SB and cover them to prevent your fishes n shrimps from eating them. They'll burrow into the sand after a while. Good Luck!
  6. http://www.rshimek.com/reef/sediment.htm This should help. I've asked Ron Shimek about catching worms for our DSB. His reply was that its one of the best ways to keep our SB healthy. A SB shouldn't be disturbed too much but it needs small movements provided by these small organisms to ensure sufficient water circulation.
  7. If your shallower portion of your SB is less than 4inches. It may become aerobic instead. Its not really a bad thing. But it defeats the purpose of a DSB as it no long denitrifies but nitrifies instead. It may end up converting wastes into nitrate instead of denotrifying nitrates.
  8. You have to be aware that DSB collect detritus easily and can very much become more of harm to your tank if these detritus[They break down into nitrates eventually] are not cleared of. A DSB should have detrivores and scavengers to help to get rid of excess food n of course detritus. I think in your case there might not be enough detrivores in your sand bed and detritus are decomposing into nitrates. Good detrivores and scavengers would be sea cucumbers, nassarius snails and worms. These organisms provide the nessecary sifting of sand as well to regulate water moments and promote bacteria growth.
  9. A DSB should be at least 4" to prevent it from being aerobic and becoming a nitrate factory instead. Normally, people take 1-1.5pounds of liverock per gallon as a rough guide line.
  10. What i did when i had this problem last time was to siphon the nudis on the glass panels and dip the Zoo colony in freshwater for about 20-30mins. http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.p...threadid=324433 This is a thread on how ppl on Reef Central does the dip and how to prevent future problems like this. I'm too lazy i just dip in in tapwater straight. Good Luck Btw, my Zoos are all healthy and as vibrant as before after a weeks since the dip.
  11. Good WOrk Bro...! You've made it so easy to understand even for an idiot like me
  12. I still have half of it with me.[About 25Kg] Revising price to $4/10kg.
  13. FYI, detrivore kits are not available in Singapore. Deeper sand bed would have more anaerobic areas and thus meaning there'll be more denitrification. A deeper sand bed would not last longer that a shallower one.=)
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