thanx for comments guys, i think my system isn't as beautifull as others's here, but many things i've learned from this site , and it's very helpfull for me
sure, but i live indonesia's really dirty i think
when i started this tank i never thought about keeping sps. when i saw my friend's full sps tank, i changed my mind
no calcium reactor
no additives
no denitrator
no expensive wave maker. i just use 2x resun power head 1500L/H for water movement
no po4 absorber
3 litres water change every 2 weeks
kalkwasser drip depends on evaporation
in 8 month 2 acros dead. dunno why
note: sorry for bad english
experience in keepin sps? no... this is my first time
that's why i posted my tank here coz i want to learn more about them from all of u
do u think that they got enough color? or still brown ,eh?
btw this is my sump