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Everything posted by flubberina13

  1. Some of mine took a day or two only. But some took longer. It really depends on the condition of the rics...
  2. Sell those stuff that those children have made along a high human traffic area. And you need to apply for permit from CID if you are soliciting funds for charity in public. Otherwise it has to be a closed sales concept. Can pm/ call me if you like some help. Got a bit of experience in this area.
  3. Am donating one and a few of the smaller stuffs liao. Thought I might just earn some transport allowance here. Anyway, Chen Su Lan? Yup...I heard abt it all the time, same line. Great work, you guys have done. I'm with TOUCH Kids whenever I can make it as now I can't confirm commitments liao since I will be joining my relative in States for a few months or more.
  4. Thank God. So remember hor...diligence begets better and healthier corals...
  5. Next step...people will ask for my tank water... Already got pple asking...
  6. This is terrible...you took so much better care than... If you quit marine...you know what har? Come to think abt it...your two darlings indirectly connected to someone hor...
  7. And this after pic... Same piece but bigger and brighter... But more orange than yellow...dun know why the pic turns out like this...
  8. aiyoh...dun make me malu lah... yup...I was thinking that since I gonna be there for at least a few months...so might as well... Keep it going...see ya next year if I wanna exchange some frags... Rics small? No worries...feed them. See this 'before' pic...
  9. And forgot to say...nice to know another mushies lover here. Me still waiting to set up my 2fter mushies-only tank next year...meanwhile have plans for Rics tank in States liao...
  10. Oh...then I may be wrong. YzF, try taking a night shot when lights are off, that will make it easier to see if they are blasto or favites polyps.
  11. Marine Life had them on different occasions. Try reserving from Henry?
  12. I believe that is a blastomussa and not favites. And you mean this yuma? One of my favourites. Appear blue, pink and purple at different times.
  13. Hey Sir...never hear from you for ages liao... Hope you have a pleasant day today with your family... And your wishes be granted... And please come back...
  14. Hey...selling these two kiddo transportation toys... 1) The tigger is at $40.00 and you can get the trampoline stuff fixture for it for younger kids from Toy R'us. Still in good condition. Rrp is at $79.90. 2) The tricycle is at $30.00 and hardly used. Collection at AMK Ave 2. Pls reply here. Thanks.
  15. Hasn't caught lah...you KS... But I suspect you no chance as Abby's future owner has been pming me abt her.
  16. It has been reserved. Will let you know again. But if the reefer(s) who booked the fish and does not claim within the next two days upon capture, I will release it to the first person who indicates interest here and able to take delivery within one day. Hope these fellow reefers will understand as I dun wan to house the fish in a perceivedly bad condition even though each will be housed in the biggest betta box upon capture. No point asking me to read pms...I have deleted them...clearing space...
  17. Yellow Tang is caught. pegasus1010...pls call me ASAP if you still wan it. I lost your number through the tirades of pms... Or if any reefer reading in and happens to have his number, pls pm me or get him to call me. Thanks.
  18. will be contacting the buyers within the next weeks. Thanks for waiting.
  19. Standby...guys. I will be catching the fish progressively within the enxt 2 weeks. Whichever I can catch, I will contact the buyer. Pls indicate in this thread if you are no longer interested in them. Thanks.
  20. All KM Marine C have been tentatively reserved but I need the buyers to contact me for collection. Thanks.
  21. Forgot to update... All saleable corals have been sold. Thanks for your interest. Thread closed...
  22. no...my dear Borinz...no offence at all...you have taken the right approach...
  23. All saleable blastos are sold. Thread closed. Thanks for the interest.
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