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Everything posted by flubberina13

  1. heheh...no lah... lfsing? ...went to some in AZ but not happening lei... Still waiting for permission to start reefing here lei... Will need heaters here if I start a tank... anyway, trips to San Fran and Florida lfs are confirmed in the first quarter and early of second quarter liao... Btw...any idea Alaska worth seeing? Or just salmon? Keep in contact...but I may take long to reply...too much to do with too little time...and the mega online shopping that is available here And the last sentence also goes to all the bros who have been wishing me well via pms off late. Will take time to reply as much as I can. Thanks for the well-wishing too.
  2. frag it...then dip in lugol's solution.
  3. Jim...you are really one of the few dedicated reefers who would go to great lengths for your tank...
  4. xenia needs strong light but moderate currents. Both my white and brown mulitplied like crazy in such a condition. I only dose 4 drops of KM lugol's solution on a weekly ritual. The bottle last me more than 3 months. When you see them melting, it is advisable to remove them as they are toxic to the aquarium water. If like the condition of BG's white xenia, still have hope by putting them in the right conditions and water parameters.
  5. well...I would second Rumor's sales too as I have personally seen how he and his wifey treat their pets. So much of TLC... Moreover, I dun think they need to make a trade out of this...they are financially well-endowed ...they just wan to guarantee that the offspring go to good homes. Infact, I learnt abt the agreement thing and I felt it sounded good and reasonable. Like I made a mistake of giving my siberian husky and all his barang including his backpacking stuff to a person who promised me that he would take very good care and after a couple of months, he went to offer Barkus to his business associate. And when we said that we wanna take a look at him...he promised to arrange and yet scot off...no replys and not answering phone... So next time I gave anything...I also check for potential owners' criteria...Lesson learnt...
  6. I do know of reefers who ordered big tanks and the contractor would bring all the necessary glass panes and assemble everything in the house itself. Maybe your contractor will be able to do that if you would not want to be charged further for transportation. Just my $0.02.
  7. Some may choose to differ but I know many who do support and like Ah Pek. Yours truly here too...
  8. woah...I missed this... Sorry...bro... And yet again...Happi Belated Birthday... yup...stay true to yourself. Do not be contaminated by the society...
  9. The reddy does look healthy. and my guess is probably due to stress induced from strong current. Try placing it on a big piece of rock with a small hole for it to rest. The rock needs to be placed in a very low flow area. Then continue feeding small and mini-sized food. Dose lugol's, strontium at the recommended intervals. Your CR working, right? Then calcium will be present so that should do and we will wait and see in a couple of weeks' time to observe any signs of new skeleton? As for the old skeleton, is there still anymore flesh at the mouth? Watch if the flesh is diminishing or increasing. Diminish...throw it away. Increasing? Good luck to the first cynarina Papa in Singapore Reefing History... PS...Not the darling I passed you, right? Or the one from LCK?
  10. yes...this is indeed a good exposure for the newly-graduated... You get paid somemore... You just have to be there...usually, they will plan everything and you just follow suit. but the interaction with the kids is what that counts if the interest in kids is there and I dun mean padeophiles...
  11. yup...I do recall the people having very friendly disposition. There's absolutely no airs...
  12. pink, blue, solid purple, psychedelic and peach not brown... I miss my mushies...
  13. A new fish again? Anyway, good catch. One of my favourites too...
  14. Though it is rare but this is still possible according to a book by some renowned marine writers. And it is attributed to competition. I have not experienced the phenomenon though but taking precautions like regular feeding and space for expansion plus moderate flow spot may help.
  15. where? where? where? channel? time? day?
  16. It's the start of 2005, right? Let have a good reefing year...
  17. dosing lugol's and iodide are basically for growth and health purposes. for dipping, you will use them during propagating and treatment of stressed symptoms. you are strongly advised not to dose ON it but rather drip a few drops in high flow area. when corals are not stressed and lights are adequate, colours will naturally be as vivid as the original hue goes.
  18. Check with T95. I usually see them curing after shipments arrive.
  19. Berd...he's not called a Lobang King for nothing... Anyway, bro...you gonna go smaller or bigger this time? And the aragonite works indeed...I still have some of them awaiting me to crush into smaller sizes for my next setup come August.
  20. I would usually squirt cyclopeeze on top of them with a pipette or turkey baster. Alternatively, just put a couple of mysis or minute-sized prawnmeat on top of their mouths. You may also choose to use the blender on the prawnmeat and freeze it. Scrapping out only a little for feeding at each time.
  21. thanks...bro. I did Tong's last year liao. Not bad. The rest, I more of less have liao but must see whether can cover them all this time round. The last trip I went, my digicam died on me so this time, hope I have Murphy as a friend...
  22. More adventures over at LAX... This one is which one? the many pink ones or what? The 5 pcs or the so-called 7 pcs ones?
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