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Everything posted by flubberina13

  1. How abt this hypothesis? Been under too strong lights until melting?
  2. If you are using strong lugol's solution, not advisable to do it every other day. BJ...take a pic and see if it is still redeemable. best bet is the dip and then low currents and moderate lights.
  3. 5th : Items committed and updates... 1) Pinkish purple and pink plate with green tentacles - taken 2) Orange with light blue centre Zoanthids (man's fist) - J**** 3) Clove Polyps (slighty bigger than a man's fist) - $15.00 4) Crocea clams - taken 5) Turtleweed - J**** 6) Cat's eye Bubble (woman's outstretched palm) - taken 7) Organ Pipe - taken 8) Huge Luminous Green lobo w 2 mouths - taken 9) Xmas Tree rock with at least 20 worms - taken 10) Red lobo with purple Centre - taken 11) Green Pratas - taken 12) Slightly rare Red Orange mushroom - taken 13) White cocoworm - R**** 14) Red open Brain - ttaken 15) White Pulsing Xenia - A* **** 16) Green Favia - taken 17) Red favia with green rims - J**** 18) Yellow tips hammer(has grown from 7 to 13 heads) - taken 19) Lavender Tip Green Body Octospawn (from 4 to now 9 heads) - taken 20) Lavender Tip Green Body Frogspawn (from 6 to now 10 heads) - taken 21) Small stems of 'Rose' hammer - t**b*** (2 heads + FOC 1 small)
  4. If you can't get them...I direct you to another one. Chen Su Lan Children's Home. the blue words are right but the rest...I forgot if it is followed this way...
  5. lol...when you said small...I was like... you never know a chilli padi when yoou see one... wait till it bloom. will be big. And thanks for the tip.
  6. Pls cancel Tivoli's...I made a mistake. 1) Creetin 2) Creetin 3) roidan (1 superduper large frag please ) 4) Rusty 5) Coralreef 6) tht79 7) houndster 8) hamannbmw ( 1 large frag too ) 9) ryz (1 large frag too) hahaha 10) kee ( 1 big frag pls)
  7. 1) Creetin 2) Creetin 3) roidan (1 superduper large frag please ) 4) Rusty 5) Coralreef 6) tht79 7) houndster 8) hamannbmw ( 1 large frag too ) 9) ryz (1 large frag too) hahaha 10) tivoli
  8. Seen them in person...indeed...very nice and brightly coloured...
  9. Oh no...my dsylexic traits showing again? what did you say that I just did? Muar no goalkeeper, can't catch any balls... DSB? No lei...only said I using #0 and #1 sand. Bryopsis bloom? yup...it occurred in my tub. You saw it before. Some rocks were actually left dry and I used the remaining ones from the tub which I scrubbed off the algae painstakingly. Silly me but dun wan that hairy monster to come back to me from the tub.
  10. Nearly fell off my chair... On a second note, I never even gone through any algae phase lei.
  11. aiyoh...you haven't seen the outbreak that occurred back then in the tub... a lot of my gems were casualties of it... and tivoli...I dun actually have a deep sandbed. so pass that off...
  12. nah...gb...thanks but no thanks... Just wan some hypothesis on what has gone right...
  13. Item 12. Will the buyer get back to me by Saturday 1800hrs. After that, I will release it for sales again. PS: You have to cut the pvc pipe that it is currently attached to. Other tips will be offered as to how the mushroom can be detached. Me just haven't gotten to doing it..
  14. har? that time so many pple asking for it and I only had a bottle and now...no one wans it? Some writeup about it... Vitamin C has been shown to enhance the immune system of fishes and invertebrates, as well as facilitate the metabolism of fatty acids, and stimulate the production of connective tissue, such as that damaged by head and lateral line erosion, coral propagation, bacterial and parasitic infestations, and wounds. Marine-C helps correct vitamin C deficiencies in ornamental marine organisms. Can be used as a daily supplement or when treating damaged/sick fishes and invertebrates, although not a medication. Particularly useful when fragmenting and propagating hard and soft corals. Anyway, upzz...
  15. Both pendants sold. Thread closed. Thanks for your interest.
  16. See...this is what leads to misunderstanding... people wrote that you guys suck up to me because you wan my service in getting nice stuff... Pls make clear...I have never offered you the so-called service hor... Anyway, I am not rich but I live comfortably enough to not needing any commission nor service fees... Anyway, thanks for the compliments though. That piece was left in a tank for so many weeks and nobody picked it up. So dun say I cheong stuff hor. A lot of my stuff was picked up not during the cheong periods. I only remember one incident where I grabbed some yumas at high prices but they did not survive. After tat...it is back to cheap old simple corals for me...
  17. Yup. And the name is Loctite. Cost abt $3+
  18. Hey...you guys must be thinking I am crazy to post this thread... But for those who have seen my tank, do you realise it is rather clean? I have stopped using aragonite this time round and just normal #0 and #1. I remembered last time, there was a bryopsis bloom in my tub until it seemed as if I was harvesting turtle weeds but now... Cleaners? Mostly nassarius(abt 10 pcs), bumble bees(abt 6pcs) and one sally lightfoot. And you also know how often I feed my fish and how potent my fish food is... So what has happened here? feel free to offer your hypothesis... Would give me an enriching lesson to learn.
  19. Yeah!!! Lovely anthias... you put makeup on her in the first pic? So pretty...
  20. Thanks...Max. So I can go and sell mine for $320 liao lor? And where's one more lei...someone said keeping for me...
  21. BG...would you like a campino sweet then?
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