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Everything posted by flubberina13

  1. Hey...any ideas on the food for baby seahorses? Mine are already a week old...
  2. I recommend T95, Seletar Farmway West One... Cheap & Good...
  3. Haha...thanks... Guess I really typical Singaporean...The kiasuism syndrome sets in... Do have two cleaner shrimps though and it's true that they dun really irritate the fishes but rather, the yellow tang and cowfish irritate them to seek santuary though... Will monitor the situation for a few more days as it has been two weeks since the introduction of the cleaner wrasse. Was paraniod when I came across the article that Cowfish is incompatible with cleaner wrasses...
  4. Wah!!! You so fortunate!!! never see one before!!! Go buay beh peow then...
  5. Eeks!!! Crying out loud...then how? Should I continue to keep Cowie? He has doubled his size and really like a darling to me but the cleaner wrasse is crucial too. Let's say if he does 'bombed', then will it be too late to remove all the fish within the first few hours? Sigh...most of my fishes were gifts from loved ones and wouldn't want any to come to harm... Otherwise...I may have to start a 'Adopt Cowie' thread liao...
  6. Hey anyone with experience about cowfish? has been in my tank for more than six months and been a darling and a PIG!!! recently got a hawaiian cleaner wrasse who 'courted' it very often. Just read that Cowie's delicate skin may be damaged by the wrasse's attention!!! wonder if it is really true... And bearing his reputation, at a dilemma over him and his other firneds in my tank. Expert's advice?
  7. reborn coming in tubeworms shipment if anybody interested. Saw 1) lots of bangai cardinals 2) bicolor cherubs 3) threadfin butterflies 4) coral beauty 5) dun-know-name firefish, definitely not red and purple 6) 1 picasso triggerfish...(very cute) 7) anthias 8) 6 hawkfish 7) big indonesian mandarins That's all I can remember... Failing memory...
  8. Thank God...Not too late... Many happy returns by 12 midnight!!!
  9. There a false cleaner wrasse whose mouth appear below the dark line. They 'trick' fish by their resemblance to the blue-streaked cleaner wrasse whose mouth appears right at the tip of the dark streak. Must monitor it carefully before buying as the former bites off bits of the body of the unaware fishes while the latter removes parasites. Blue-streaked cleaner wrasses is about $3.00 while another more colourful type; the hawaiian cleaner wrasse(more colourful) is more ex. Hope this suffices...
  10. Called the shop...Got the specs... 1) Normal White 7000K 2) Blue Actinic 4500K Spectrum Does it ring a bell? My tank is 4ft. Thanks...
  11. Having said this... Should I remove it or remediate the situation? If remediation, then how to? Danzer, sorry for 'infiltrating' into your link but though the questiosn may be helpful to others. Thanks, Woonming for the toruble...
  12. Wah...chim...algae remover? Nup...Me no see no touch before. Could it be due to the fact that I did not switch on the lights for two days when I was busy w a new tank? It has been shifted to a bigger tank with blue actinic and white lightings. But been months and no difference from the pathetic condition it was in previously...
  13. Hey...Prof Shrooms... Can analyse situation for me? Got a mushroom given to me and whilst it was in my tank for the beginning days, flourish and opened wide. However, after a week or so, turned white and shrank in size. H2O parameters satisfactory but alas... What to do?
  14. Oops...solie...just sharing my two cents worth...
  15. Dun worry, I adminstered therapeutic counselling to it and now he is chums with the other inhabitants in my tank. Has never given me trouble or cause mortality and even feeds from my hand. Though a bit scared of his reputation.
  16. Watch out for cowfishes too...Mine yanked one out of its tube and finished it within an afternoon. I spanked and scolded it and he left the other two alone.
  17. Hey...know the price of the Moorish Idols? will only make the trip if it is worth it as me only got two 'kars'
  18. Been using this brand 'Volca' for the past year... so far no prob...
  19. Frogive me... Dun understand what you meant by the last phrase...Muar suaku...Needs elaboration...
  20. Hey...Can tell me the whereabouts of these fiji rocks? Want to take a peep...
  21. oops...eating humble pie...Need to do more research on staghorns first before suggesting...See the thread on 'Is staghorn liverock good?'
  22. Have always been using the common ones and thought this will enhance water quality and a way out of the weight issue...Seems got to do further studies on it...More opinions? Moreover, it's more ex than the ones quoted in this thread... Thanks...Nearly kanna conned...
  23. Hey...a farm told me that the current rage is on staghorn liverock which are rather lightweight. I wonder if it is as good as the liverock that are usually used in marine tanks. Contemplating swopping to them...Advice? Thanks...
  24. Hey...wonder if this helps... There's a farm selling staghorn live rocks which really weighs a small fraction of the ones usually available in the market. So maybe, it helps in the dead load capacity thing. PM me if you need the contact.
  25. Happy Birthday... If thoughts would have it, something must be at work to reinstate this website specially on your birthday to remember your 32nd birthday by...
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