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Everything posted by flubberina13

  1. You can wait till Christmas. Then Santarina will deliver to your abode!!! Anyway, Coral is still available and I can throw in Saturday morning till early afternoon for anyone to catch it...
  2. Nup...it is Barkus... 'Bark', 'cause he hardly barks which is unusual for a Husky 'kus' , 'cause of the majestic aura he has... My names for the fish has to do with sitting down and looking at them then deriving them based on their personalities... Yet to name my flame angel...Any suggestions?
  3. ARRRGG!!! Can visualise!!! Too grotesque! Will have nightmares!
  4. Thanks...Missing you for the past few hours, schoolwork busy?
  5. You can take SBS no. 131 and alight at the Kentish Lodge or Kentish Green bus-stop and it is of walking distance.
  6. Hey...maybe buying something there later. If over $30, can buy the flame angel or yellow tang but I already them so naybody wanna 'tongbang'. No guarantee though...
  7. Thanks...just did know it is so big. will do it. Moving the seahorse to the seahorse tank soon. Waiting for it to complete the cycling first. Anyway, Horsie has been there for more than three months liao. Hope it can survive till I move him.
  8. Hey, can anyone tell me if you come across bristle star for sale? And the price?
  9. Eh...dud...that's what I meant by MORTALITY not GUARANTEED....
  10. AHHH!!! Someone help!!! Before AT kills me!!! First time putting photos out and it appears so big!!! How to resize? Me only got a idiot-proof camera but dun know the idiot-proof functions...
  11. Resident Counsellor...Oh...Resident Counsellor...where are you??? We have a MAYDAY here...One member intends to eat our pets...
  12. Why dun I hang you upside down and you stay in the tank till you can catch. Can lend you a scuba mask if you need one. 4ft tank, So should be able to hold your head...
  13. Tried alot of methods recommend but to no avail. Now trying out the bristle star method 'cause someone has proven it works as the shrimps will attack the star Any methods? trying all sorts as long as it would not destroy my Christmas Tree rock.
  14. You will be third in line for Cowie and fourth in line for Coral. Just for those interested in Cowie...It is not as what the book has said except for the 'toxic' part. 1) Eats like a pig so he got the title of King Gluttonius in my tank. 2) Has been with me for almost nine months liao. 3) Has doubled his size since then!!! Think he's fully grown now. 4) Needs a big tank. Put him in a 2ft tank while adjusting some rocks, he showed his displeasure by fluttering but yet did not emit his 'anger' aka toxic 5) LIKES to eat tube worms. So not advisable for those who like to put tubeworms. 6) Wun disturb mushrooms. 7) Dun think he ever sleeps (Always come towards you when you move to the glass at anytime of the day or at night) 8) Can feed from your hand or maybe he likes me too much liao. Such a cute fellow. Actually dun want to send him away but ... and he's too big for my tank
  15. Fuming over them lor!!! Invading my Christmas Tree Rock! Arggg!!! The thought of it can cause my cortisol level to rise!!!
  16. Yup...saw them today and also some nice specimens of those big white anemones...
  17. Hey...heard from somebody who have trapped mantis shrimps using bristle star and would like to give it a try. Anyone? Any spare?
  18. Sigh..was procrastinating because of my fondness for him but was thinking of the numerous tube worms that he has murdered and that I already had Boxster and Boxy. Or should I give one of them up instead of Cowie? Also thinking of Clammie. Didn't want to appear as indecisive but once decision made, should stand by it. Just hope he will find a good home...
  19. Hey... Following fish for those who can shower TLC on them...plus brief intro... 1) Cowfish aka Cowie- Think he's a pig instead of a fish. Eats everything and even from your hand! Letting go 'cuase can't stand him chewing up all my tubeworms! Even a pure white one! 2) Coral beauty aka Coral- Blackish purple edging. Have to catch him yourself though... 3) False Clown aka Perky-Very gentle fellow...So far still hold his own although, Tommy, the tomato clown keeps bullying it!!! Cowie and Coral with me for more than half a year while Perky arrived a week ago...
  20. True...However, if it's just FOWLR tank, fans can do. Till you invest in the highly acclaimed 'manually landscaped' reef gardens that some of the members are having. With the 6-fan type, ever get to 26c for a 4ft FOWLR tank
  21. I got one very strong one at $36 after discount and I think the six-fan type is selling around $90 if I'm not wrong. Try lfs in Serangoon North Ave 1.
  22. There's a type with six fans on one bar. Works well... I only top up evry few days though the water evaporation is inevitable.
  23. Saw them in PetM****, R***B** and Haw**i. They are really good. Introduced a month ago and fish readily adapted to them. The Formula Two type boost their immune system with garlic and enhance colouring with spirulina.
  24. Like the big sea pen. Mine only miniature... Btw...where you get your sea cucumber? I also want!!!
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