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Everything posted by flubberina13

  1. Thanks pal. Anyway, feeder is reserved till Sunday liao.
  2. Oh dear...must have been miscomm... I left my maid waiting at home for you. Solie... Do you still wan it? If yes, pls pm or call me again. Dun sms. That phone will be used by someone as of today. And pls remember to call at least an hour prior to arrival.
  3. hey selling this food feeder at $50. as good as new. battery-operated. Lowest retailing price is $68 at Serangoon North.
  4. can. go to the manufacturer directly but have to wait at least one month after the order.
  5. worth the wait hor... I left at 3 plus so should have some more pratas and favites...yumas are worth looking too... Try calling them before you go down to play safe...
  6. Okay...that's it...where's Robin when I need his coralnapping skills? Anybody has a ladder to borrow?
  7. WM told me he jioed you but you no reply and I tried calling you also and you no answer. Something wrong w your phone?
  8. There were two pieces who did just that and I nearly misidenitfied as acans... Did you take them? Or the one with the blue rims? Or the one with three shades of red?
  9. where's the hardest wall for my head?
  10. Okay..now that you have so many gems, time to rescape until you get TOTM for the pride of us LPS lovers...
  11. And I was the one who touched all of them first... Now I understand why you guys keep talking around me... The strategy of distraction...
  12. That time, that piece is because the boss was thrilled with it so he said cannot sell and if any customer really wans, then have to give a ridiculous price to 'scare' them off... Anyway, in the end, it is put away for safekeeping in a reefer's tank. Infact, I know of people getting acans there at reasonable prices. Never one above $200.
  13. Let's go get some commission after we post this... I am equally amazed that corals damage is neglible even after the 12 hours wait during transit to a very much later than expected flight. Okay...let's spell out our objectives... We wan more...we wan more... More of what? Actually not corals but rather discounts... Sigh...if only the rics shipment was successful... Meanwhile...sick of seeing so many reds so choose this... Magenta?
  14. Found this...maybe this helps... american marine order
  15. Nah...the lords? how about dividing 200 by 5? Anyway, there's still some full red pratas awaiting recovery. Still can get. And there's many different shades of yumas beside the purple ones. Yuma freaks should try getting...
  16. yes, my dear...it is... he told me what he did but since you not interested then too bad... Anyway, it's bygones liao. happy hunting for the quest though...
  17. I am consoled that you like it. What a sad story behind it.
  18. Skimmer A = Barr? Skimmer B = Deltec? Skimmer C = Bubble King? Got prizes or not?
  19. wah...colourising well hor... Definitely pink like what I have said...
  20. Maybe you can try asking Victor of Iwarna? He has a supplier who may be able to help.
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