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Everything posted by Husky

  1. Wow sis, didnt know u have so many gems in yr tank
  2. Nice fish, is it ok to have 2 AT in a 4ft tank?
  3. Anymore bid ??? Will close the bidding tonight at 2359 Highest bid at $20 (tazzzz) another forum
  4. Anymore bid?? Wil close the bidding tonight at 2359 Highest bid at $20 (tazzzz) another forum
  5. This is the mother colony.. Sorry picture abit blurr
  6. Hi all bro's a frags of Rare US zoos (Eclipse) 7 to 8 polyps for bid. No PM, All open bid The piece with green skirt, baby blue ring n orange mouth. Start price: $10 Min increment:$1 Bid ending on: Sat, 18th November @ 2359hr.
  7. Hi have 2 frags of Pink zoo about 10++ polyps each for sale. at $25 each. Kindly sms me at 98515763
  8. Bought at $36 each at AM, Only 1 day old. Selling at $25 each. Reach me at 98515763 Thanks
  9. Thanks bro, Just got 4 ATI atinic from AM, but find it too purple. So best colour for zoo is 2 special n 2 blue plus.
  10. bro, wat light u r using for yr tank?
  11. Kindly sms 98515763 Thanks!
  12. Bid won by SeaAngel. Thanks for all the support.
  13. The frag will be more than 10 polyps. Anymore bid?
  14. Hightest bid so far $45 (SeaAngel)
  15. reduce to $30, dont want to keep it in betta box too long.
  16. Bro, How u manage to snap such nice quality pic? any specific camera or special technique? me having problem taking pic on my zoo my camera is sony cyber shot 5.0 mega pixels.
  17. Any taker? Very healthly fish n been with me for a year. Price reduce to $35.
  18. Highest bid so far is dfstan @ $30
  19. I'm staying in east, but not to worry because i can send it to u.
  20. Hi all bro's a frags of Rare US zoos (Golden Eye) for bid. No PM, All open bid Start price: $10 Min increment:$1 Bid ending on: Sat, 4th November @ 2359hr. Pic borrow from CF.
  21. Going for $40 sms me at 98515763. Staying east.
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