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  1. The chiller is normaly set at 24 degrees but a electicity powerotage for 6,5 hours had my chiller to reset at 0. I think a back up battery has to be changed or something
  2. Fauna Marin products for zeolith reactor and for keeping dendronepthea. These were just introduced on market in sweden and I bought them all to try it out.
  3. Fauna marin zeolith reaktor only waiting for flowcontrol to get it started
  4. Hi again, Latest in progress of tank is starting up zeolith reaktor and start feeding with fauna marins products. This is a step to make possible for adding Dendronepthea in tank. I also have started a breeding tank for ricordea Florida/Yuma and will add those in lower parts of tank. I will update here on progress. I also had the possibility to be singled out to be the firs one to test Eneye a new Aquarium computer made in Sweden. This prouct has proven to me that it is possible to take this part of reefing in to a even easyer experience. The computer can measure Phosphate nitrate Nitrite strontium Iod calcium average hardness Redox Ph temperature waterlevel amonium air humidity room temperature. Its possible to manage lights pumps feeding and everything else running on electricity. U manage it from Ur computer at home or over internet or via mobile telephone. The computer has History feature for as well measuring as dosing or feeding or medicament or adding new products in tank. For shops using this computer it also send sout SMS to costumers with news on what ever shopowner wants. This computer takes reefing in to a new era. Ivé had a major setback on tank after a 6,5 hour power down my chiller was set on 0 degrees celcius and after two days i came home. The water in tank was 13 C but only 3 coral died and no fishes so that was a relief. Posting a pic how tank look tday.
  5. That´s a Echinometra mathai I have one too the damage it does is very little compared to the nice look
  6. What U got there is a cleaner shrimp shell and a majano get rid of the majano bro.
  7. I have seen it in action and I have to get it. My Lighting already have the "Powered by ACLS" sticker hehe. When I started in this hobby there were a lot of gadgets that many reacted by saying do we really need this but I love every step forward. When I first contacted Eneye systems asking about their aquarium computer they said that their aquarium computer was something for bigger public systems but after a discussion they are now breaking grounds on the hobby market. I think that their system is the most updated at the market its only the price level that needs to get adjusted. I hope to see them on market soon. Its a dream system that check´s Nitrate, Nitrit, Amonium, Calcium, PH, Redox, Average hardness, tanktemp, Airtemp, Airhumidity, Salinity, Oxygen, Waterflow And level with a gadget that when put in sump calculates volume and holds it (not with the old dippers and not optic) its connected with WLAN and the controllingboard is wireless. It dimmes and controls more outlets than any system on the market. Reports to mobile phone and homepage. Possible to acsess over internet. Its s dream for anyone who has to leave home. I hope the guys at Eneye gets it on the market soon.
  8. The ACLS is instead of Ur ballast its built in the ACLS dimms both Ur MH and T5 An ACLS for one 400W mh and two T5 is 1800 SGD in Sweden. Im dont have ACLS Yet but plans are 2 of them in the future. I like that it takes care of dimming the Mh when new Bulbs are put in.
  9. use babelfish on altavista if U want to translate german to english.
  10. Here U go http://www.korallenriff.de/29interzoo/index.html
  11. Well U learn something every day Reefaholic http://www.sfiligoi.it/acls_en.htm
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