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Everything posted by ReeF_LoVeR

  1. Are there any light....(light i mean strong light )
  2. pair of maroon + bubble-tip anemone + LR =$43.00 Location:Jireh But dunno still have a not....(pls call them 1st) Very good buy.....(cause they need the tank space that why going for so cheap)
  3. Anyone use this B4?? Reef safe??
  4. just wonder how long do you guys soak food in garlic solution.......
  5. Bro... Anyone know which LFS selling?
  6. Hi Tanzy , Any pic of your Ti Relief & the Dim. Now I'm using Resun CL450 & thinking of upgrade to a better Chiller. BTW what is the diff. btw RR & TR?? Last how much does it cost for your TR?
  7. eerr..... anyone tell me who got no TV or Radio in his BedRoom??
  8. ReeF_LoVeR

    free ....

    pls refer to attach... (1)Domino Damsel x 1 (2)Green Chromis x 3 (3)Dunno what but reefsave x 1 SMS me @98196581.
  9. OH NO!! Spilt Anenome is NOT a good sigh.... Very BAD FENG SHUI.. But I Can take take for you....(Pass it to me)...
  10. the best way to locate the shop is to; - Go outside the shopping center - Face the shopping center - walk along the path on the left - U can find the shop right behind.
  11. sorry... main tank 3 x 2 x 2ft sump tank 2 x 1.5 x 1.5ft. hope u understand..
  12. SeaClone Protein Skimmer by Aquarium Systems
  13. My around 70 Gal. but this PS is up to 100 Gal.
  14. too soon to tell now... weeks later....
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