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Everything posted by d88p

  1. good luck janet!... hope she'll be back soon to you
  2. hope some kind soul brings her back to the mummy
  3. so thats the noise maker ........ i hear it once a while but never seen it in the tank
  4. give me tissues quick .......
  5. its so huge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. chiller is better. such a big tank using a canister might be a prob. (im using the same canister for my 5ft planted tank and its already not strong enough to clear all the debris n leftovers)
  7. i have no idea how they got damaged or killed
  8. sungei road shops there should have
  9. i didnt know theres such things as discounted rates after a certain hour..... are you sure? never heard of it before.
  10. oh no, i hope someone brings it back to you....
  11. sorry but wats that eating the damsel?
  12. still have to cycle.... buying salt n mix is easier if you have a bigger tank... if you have a 2 ft or so then buy the water also can.... you very strong to carry that many bags or jars
  13. add the sand in, it will also act as a form of protection in case some rocks falls
  14. nice tank setup, nice deco home too
  15. get some snails to clear them away
  16. better to have sand at the bottom no matter wat equipements u have
  17. why dont you just surf the internet.......... and at the same time u can always ask us here. ..... by the way, i learn setting up my experimental tank on my own. Sometimes reading too much can be more troublesome n confusing
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