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Everything posted by d88p

  1. im also thinking of getting a few PC from DELL........ setup for office usage.
  2. bro, 1st u have to consider ... u pay that amount, you get that kinda amount value. A car is better than no car no doubt as compared to those who dont. Its better if you set a budget 1st (example about 60K) and then go see the cars that is in that value. Then test drive it and then compare. hope this is useful to u
  3. PIB.... they have beautiful gowns there. http://perfectinblack.com/
  4. d88p


    upgraded to a bigger sports rims technically makes the car more stable as compared to standard rims. it also allows the car to look nicer. Choosing the right offset changes the performance of the car's ability too, especially at cornerings and on straight roads. Of course the tire size and brand makes a diff too.
  5. d88p


    watten city as in watten estate?
  6. d88p


    nice, what size?
  7. theres a honda car club too u know
  8. doubt so, but the postage sure cost a fair bit. Must as well buy it from here.
  9. i didnt know arrowanna had a language ........ does it go FEED ME FEED ME ......... i miss my arro already
  10. bro, for a moment i thought you chow geng luckily your shorts didnt go any lower .. joking ahhhhh
  11. sounds korean, but in chinese?
  12. Once in a lifetime > Think about this one... > > Next month, (on Thursday, 4th of May ) at two minutes and three seconds > after 1:00 AM in the morning, the time and date will be > 01:02:03 04.05.06 > > This won't ever happen again in our lifetime...
  13. saw this website before on a car forum before ..... yes there are many weirdo drivers around
  14. AH BENG IS " COPLER" NOW Army Corporal Two Hokkien peng, Ah Beng and Ah Seng, got promoted from private to corporal. Not long after, they're out for a walk and Ah Beng says, " Eh, Seng ah, there's the NCO Club. Let's go inside and togo. " " But we all is plivate only mah, " protests Ah Seng. "No, we all is copler now, " says Ah Beng, pulling him inside. Once inside the pub, Ah Beng says, " Okay, let's order some beer and togo!" " But we all is plivate! " says Ah Seng. " Piang eh, you cannot see, meh? " says Ah Beng, pointing to his stripes. " We all is copler now! " After leaving the NCO club, Ah Beng and Ah Seng go to Geylang. There, Ah Beng whistles at a hooker, but the hooker says, " Sorry, hor. Tonight cannot because I got gonorrhea. " Ah Beng pulls Ah Seng to the side and say, " Eh, you go and check the dictionary and see what 'gonorrhea' means. If it's okay, give me the okay sign. " Ah Seng goes to look it up, comes back, and gives Ah Beng a big thumbs-up. Three weeks later, Ah Beng is in the hospital with a severe case of gonorrhea. " Ni na beh, " he scolds Ah Seng. " Why you tell me it's okay? " " Not my fault! " says Ah Seng. " In the dictionary, it says gonorrhea only affects the privates. " Then he points to his stripes : " But we is COPLER now mah ! "
  15. Are you a HSL ? hehehehe
  16. For you HSLs http://youtube.com/watch?v=aJRhd3um6Ac
  17. DON' T LOOK AT ###### LADY Boy 1: Why do you run from a ###### lady? Boy 2: Becos my mum said that if I look at at a ###### lady, I ' ll turn into stone. A part of me is getting hard already. HOW INDIA GOT ITS NAME This is how India got its name..... The king was having ###### with his mistress while thinking a name of his country and his mistress ask him "is it In Dear?". RESEARCH FINDING Research shows men are fatter than women because every-night men get fresh milk & 2 big papayas while women only get 1 banana, 2 peanuts & 1 tea-spoon of starch THAT OLD QUESTION BUT IT-ANSWER CHILD: Dad, where did I come from? DAD: Okay, we had to have this conversation some day!.. Listen... Dad and mom met in a chat room on the net. I set up a meeting with your mom and we landed in the bathroom at the Cyber Cafe. Then, mom did some downloads from dads memory stick and when dad was ready to upload, we discovered that there was no firewall. Seeing that it was a bit too late to cancel, I just carried on doing the upload. Nine months later, the damn virus appeared!. CHILD: Huh?
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