Army Corporal
Two Hokkien peng, Ah Beng and Ah Seng, got promoted from private to corporal.
Not long after, they're out for a walk and Ah Beng says, " Eh, Seng ah, there's the NCO Club. Let's go inside and togo. "
" But we all is plivate only mah, " protests Ah Seng.
"No, we all is copler now, " says Ah Beng, pulling him inside.
Once inside the pub, Ah Beng says, " Okay, let's order some beer and togo!"
" But we all is plivate! " says Ah Seng.
" Piang eh, you cannot see, meh? " says Ah Beng, pointing to his stripes.
" We all is copler now! "
After leaving the NCO club, Ah Beng and Ah Seng go to Geylang.
There, Ah Beng whistles at a hooker, but the hooker says,
" Sorry, hor. Tonight cannot because I got gonorrhea. "
Ah Beng pulls Ah Seng to the side and say, " Eh, you go and check the dictionary and see what 'gonorrhea' means. If it's okay, give me the okay sign. "
Ah Seng goes to look it up, comes back, and gives Ah Beng a big thumbs-up.
Three weeks later, Ah Beng is in the hospital with a severe case of gonorrhea.
" Ni na beh, " he scolds Ah Seng. " Why you tell me it's okay? "
" Not my fault! " says Ah Seng. " In the dictionary, it says gonorrhea only affects the privates. "
Then he points to his stripes : " But we is COPLER now mah ! "