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  1. anyone has any idea, how long it will last?... it has been the whole morning liao.. will it die of fatigue? haha kidding... come to think of it.... the bioload in my tank... will it shoot up?! or should I say the nutrients..... just imagine..a tank full of......xxxxx
  2. noticed this .... in the morning.... my green feather spawning????!! its taken with my HP... MP4 format... anyone can convert that? Spawning.mp4
  3. Thanks to all the compliments! Will Update all fellow Bros & Sis when any new stuff
  4. Thanks for the offer Bro Ian But personally prefer a true percula.... thanks again
  5. Can enlighten me wat are the phosphate removing media?
  6. thinking of getting clowns too... waiting for de right true percula...
  7. If its a nano.... regular water change lor.... don't really believe in dosing... if overdose...
  8. only dose iodine.... once a week... if i remember..... routine water change about once a week to once every 2 weeks live brine shrimps for my Mandarin frozen mysis shrimps for my cleaners, blood shrimp & mini boxer...
  9. $9? I can buy 2...if not 3... cheers
  10. pardon me for the algae growth.... simply too difficult to get rid....
  11. nuttin better to do....hahaha.. thinking of putting in a pair of true percula... or a pair of banggai.... suggestions ?
  12. Coming to 3 months Comments pls
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