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Everything posted by eddy

  1. hi everybody me are selling a sanyo lcd home projector z1x come wif a 60inc fix screen bought 2 year ago , just change the projector bulb , new buld use less then ten hours cos is inside my bedroom anyone inten to buy pls call or sms me at 96746674 eddy thk
  2. hi everybody me are selling a sanyo lcd home projector z1x come wif a 60inc fix screen bought 2 year ago , just change the projector bulb , new buld use less then ten hours cos is inside my bedroom anyone inten to buy pls call or sms me at 96746674 eddy thk
  3. with box n receipt $400
  4. any taker receipt still wif me
  5. hi all selling off a sony aricsson p990i used less then two month buy at $538 selling at $450 pls sms me if interested 96746674 thk
  6. hi all selling off a sony aricsson p990i used then two buy at $538 selling at $450 pls sms me if interested 96746674 thk
  7. same like u ,meet a car accident in the carpark both of us trying to park into one parking lot
  8. hi bro how are u long time no see
  9. hi all me got one violin brand new for sale. Bought less than a month & use only twice. Reason for selling is cause my daughter has change her mind to learn paino and hence the violin became redundant. Willing to let go at S120 (neg) Anyone interested, pls pm me for more details.
  10. eddy


    sorry my is cl650
  11. eddy


    hi any there can teach me how to set the temperature for the resun 450 me have been trying to press the set button n the the up n down but the degree still stay in 30 pls help thk
  12. eddy


    hi any there can teach me how to set the temperature for the resun 450 me have been trying to press the set button n the the up n down but the degree still stay in 30 pls help thk
  13. eddy


    sorry forgot to post pic
  14. eddy


    may i know what is all this going on the rock isn't it good or bad , anyone can help
  15. hi anyone can teach me how to reduce the pic size n post here thk...............
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