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Everything posted by thecoralscove

  1. v.nice bro. Hoping to see more tank shots.
  2. wah. looks very nice. might start a 2ft cube myself too.
  3. bubble corals also quite hardy.
  4. nice nice. i like clams. anyone know where got small small clams?
  5. pic borrowed from DA. the KING OF ZOOS!! Hope you'll not mind. it looks like the same piece as above, except under the Tender Loving Care of DA, the zoos become so nice! not like mine..
  6. bro. dont need to try so hard to recruit people lah. everyone knows that there's no free money in the world. If money so easy to earn, why people still need to work? its just sooner or later that you will kena scammed.
  7. nice tank bro. how much you bought the frogspawn/octo for? Thanks!
  8. check from the webby, says 'with caution in reef tanks'
  9. Got a few limited frags of these pink zoos. its pink zoos with light green skirting. about more than 30 polyps per frag. Looking for any trades or may be selling them. Pl PM me. Thank you very much.
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