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Everything posted by Regal

  1. Any Altantic Blue tangs...... How much they selling at ????
  2. IMO, is good to add in the Flame Angel.... But is hight than $30..Or Yellow Tangs.. .
  3. Yesterday went to Pasir Rise Blk D - got lot of soft corals, False Percula, Orange Percula, Yellow , White Anemone .... They sell today were have a big shipment of Powder Brown, Powder Blue, Chocolate Tangs..... Any one can confirm to day....
  4. PR Blk D, got a lot of False Percula Clown Fish.., Morish Idol, Fire Shrimps...
  5. I had the same problem.... Once they eaten up my soft finger hand coral...... so angry.... Any good way to kill........., or added in a fish , shrimps to kill them...
  6. Tank better to be stand a side with other Elec. eqipments, cos u don't know when U sump were be overflow due to power failure ...or .....??
  7. IMO, its due to not enough lights.......or the temperature is too high ????
  8. Any idel how much they sell at ????
  9. Are Purple Queen, Lyetail Anthias easy to keep ??? Pls advise.....
  10. New week ....... Went to PR Farm Blk D.... 1) Lots of fire , skrun shirmps, 2) Juv. Blue face angles, 3) Blue tangs 4) Clown fishes 5) Powder Blue 6) Majustic angles 7) Small rose anemones 8) Gold Bar Maroon Clown 9) Fire Clown 10) Tomato Clown......
  11. NEW ??? That shop had been there for more than 10 years, Only 3-4 years ago start with Marine fishes......
  12. Try LCK 110, Someone mention about the that fishes 2-3 day agos....
  13. Went U they say had AVA cleared U known that price must be dan exp....
  14. Hong Kong sell the marin fishes much cheaper that S'pore ?? Flame Angels only at $25...??? If bought back should hand carry or .....????
  15. Saw any Archilles Tangs Or Kole (Yellow eyss) Tangs there...???? Thk U!
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