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Everything posted by ming69

  1. Didn't manage to go. Maybe try Monday morning, after dropping kids off to school.
  2. This one chiong about 3 midnight shipments then managed to get. Must enjoy it a while longer mah.
  3. Didn't expected the green and red ones to open up so big.
  4. These guys are opening up pretty well tonight.
  5. Added the 2 pratas that was attacked by the filefish. Luckily, no signs of damages,... I think...
  6. Only problem is that my arms are not long enuf to put the corals properly. Which is why most of the corals are placed mid tank at the moment.
  7. Not much change but a FTS anyway.
  8. Err.... Thanx but no tanks for your kind offer. If yours is feeling lonely, I can bring mine over for you, when we have kopi time.
  9. Should I leave the crab in the sump, just to see how fast it will grow??
  10. Don't believe my luck!! The stupid crab moved to one of the top most LR. Took the rock out and it's still there. Wahhahahah!!! Caught it with just tweezer.
  11. File fish caught and imprisoned in the sump tank.
  12. Not bother so much by the crab at the moment. Will probably leave a essence bottle in the tank for a while and see how. Btw, I don't have a octopus. WaNer's the one who had the octopus.
  13. WAHHOOO!!! I GOT THAT BUTT UGLY FISH!!! It's now imprisoned in my sump tank.
  14. Got that silly fish from together with some other fishes. Meant to remove it before putting in the pratas, but forgot about it. *SLAP* *SLAP* Anyway, thot it was safe after I left 2 pratas in there for about a week, and they were fine. When I put in the red one in the centre of the tank, it start the nibbing. Then I removed the red one and put a green one in another spot, it started on the green one too but left the first 2 alone. After I removed the green one, it went for the first 2.... Guess once it start, there's no stopping it liao. *sigh* Right now, I'm trying to ambush it after lights out, in the middle of the night. If still can't catch, will have to remove some rocks liao........
  15. Will try out the chicken essence bottle method, as soon as, I get Daddy dearest to drink some. Hehe Funny thing is I don't see the crab for the past 2 days. Now my apitsia eating filefish seems to have like pratas suddenly!!! Now most impt mission is to catch the filefish!!!
  16. Credits to Kenneth! Hope I can maintain it.
  17. I think it knows that I want to get rid of it. It seems to have disappeared. Haven't seen it in it's usual hole since last night. This morning I found a shell of a shrimp with big pincers!
  18. The pratas have been sitting in the old tank (now using it as a frag tank) for weeks. Just started to move them over this week, one or two at a time. The cynarina was from my now decomm 2ft cube, and it was bleached. But now the colour is returning. Yes, Sean, I was soooo tempted to take that rock out to dig it out, but the minute I move the rocks, it hides. Not sure if it goes to another rock or deeper into the LR. I'm pretty such that there are at least 2 escape routes at the back to the rock.
  19. It's a black crab! The pincers are at least 5mm thick. Think that fellow is about thumb size. He's been daring me to try to catch him. Doing the "now u see me. now u don't" thingy. Wait til I find something long and SHARP........ Will have sun baked crab one of these days.....
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