There are a few sweeper tentacles. High chance of galaxy. Anyway, I broke the colony of zoas last night. Now have 2 pieces of the zoas and one piece of the unknown (galaxy).
Thanks Henry!
Bro FT.
Most of the credits goes to the Bros in this forum who has been giving me lots of tips, advise, getting their hands wet helping me pick out fishes and corals, scaping LRs, loan of reading materials, etc...
Where got $$ to buy DSLR??
Will go check out the prices for a UW housing, cos Hubby wants to bring kids snorkelling.
Didn't think much about this unknown growth till I saw a few long tentacles. But not sure if it was from the patch.
There's another patch of it on the lower right of the pic.
Thanks! Will leave if for a while to see if it spreads or grow bigger.
Sorry, can't get a clearer pic. My photo taking skills is terrible when it comes to trying to capture small subjects. The digital cam refused to focus. Sigh....
Found this patch of unknown growth next to the zoas. It seems to have a few long tentacles and the zoas nearby doesn't seems to open.
Should I remove them?