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Everything posted by ming69

  1. Only have a fist size rock of this zoa. But will frag again when I have more space..... Glad to see that the zoas are opening well. You will have to keep a close watch over the black face zoa cos they grow fast and may take over others nearby.
  2. Was hoping that it'll grow faster. Kinda of slow compare to my others zoas. Need to find a sweet spot for it.....
  3. Thanks! Will post frags when they are available.
  4. Bro FT. The others just took post the pics in a few pages back liao. How's your new additions doing??
  5. Managed to take a decent pic of this brain.
  6. Made room for 2 more pratas from the frag tank.
  7. It's actually blue with blue dots. My camera didn't get the colors. Got it at GO
  8. Hello Stranger! Long time no see u in forum. Tank is ok lah. Should join us to chiong leh...
  9. This one will be really chio when color up.
  10. Bro Storm & Lum, my prata trying to be Transformer too.
  11. This prata color recover about 90% liao
  12. All frags reserved liao. Frag 3 collected.
  13. 2 from Kim Sotong and the heart shaped one was the tank of V (he who must not be named)
  14. Bukit Timah/Holland Rd area Frag 3 reserved.
  15. Clearing some space.... $20 $25 $10
  16. This is the one with the broken teeth. Looks better now?
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