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Everything posted by ming69

  1. Actually, I have slowed down on the buying liao. Tanks are getting kinda full. Now trying to improve on the water conditions and maybe frag some zoas (if I can work up the urge to stick my hand into the tank ). Cos I usually don't like to disturb the corals if they seems to be doing ok in their spot.
  2. for your kind comments. Still learning from the seniors here to improve on my tank. Bro Storm, Thanks! My MG and CA is finally improving. Thanks for the tip.
  3. Yes! Caught the Blue Tang this morning. Wahaha Thanks! Bro Taz and Bro Lum. If not for all your help, advise and tips, the pratas and cynarinas won't be so happy. :bow:
  4. No Lah. Old stuff. Just went trigger happy with the camera.
  5. Finally caught my Blue Tang this morning. Anyone can come today, can have it for $15. Location: Sixth Ave, Bt Timah/Holland area. Sms me at 9622 9108 Ming
  6. Zoa and paly patch. The little sunflower frag started with only 1 polyp. Think there're another 4-6 more tiny heads coming out soon.
  7. This one was a bit bleached at the top but now think is ok liao.
  8. Put up a big mirror liao. Slight improvement but still chasing the poor fellow. Will trap the blue tang after I sell my other 2 fishes.
  9. Thanks, Bro Storm. Will keep trying to improve my water conditions. Bro RedDevil, thanks for the reminder! will dig out the mirror.
  10. Bro RedDevil, my scotts still being bullied. Only come out for little while.....
  11. Both the hooded and the Scotts are feeding. But the scotts is still being chased whenever it comes out to the open.
  12. Scott's fairy sighted this morning. Flooded the tank with arctic pods. Saw it eating. Phew! But it went into hiding for the rest of the day....
  13. Anybody interested? Both in the box and ready to go.
  14. Bro, for the confirmation. Think it has made it clear to the Scotts' that it is the Alpha Male liao. Don't see it bothering the Scott's. But the other wrasse from Sealife still like to nip on the Scott's when it comes out.
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