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Everything posted by ming69

  1. More of the orange come out liao.
  2. Bro Lum, u see, this one now starting to expand.
  3. Thanks, Bro, for your kind coments.
  4. I poked it liao. Didn't think.... just poke it in the tank. Prata seems unaffected.....
  5. Coral farm sometimes have it too. But do call them first before going, just to make sure they have in it stock.
  6. Thanks, HB! Asked around and it seems like it's better to poke it.... Will try.......
  7. Hi, HB, it appeared on it's own. I had this prata for some time liao. Think this is one of my oldest residents. The bubble's been there for a few days liao. Wat should I look out for? If something bad happened, will it cause much damage???
  8. This prata has a bubble??? The bubble has been there for a few days liao. Anyone knows if this is a good or bad thing?
  9. Hee hee. Managed to find some that I can cut without causing much damaged to the main colony.
  10. Have 2 pieces of this pink and green center ones available.
  11. My first attempt in fragging this zoa. Those interested do drop me a pm.
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