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Everything posted by ming69

  1. Thanks Bro Solo & Snowman. Had to take a pic of this prata tonight. It's as big as my hand, and that's just the center, can't see the skirt.
  2. Bro, if still have, I'll have 1 too.
  3. Pratas pics. These 2 are getting kinda big.
  4. Wow!! Your zoas have grown so much!!
  5. You want to try some of my rics? They are quite seasoned liao.
  6. Is this the one we got for you at Ah Beng's? Very nice!
  7. how 'bout a green tea cheese cake??
  8. Was looking at the pics in the H&S website, the CR and the Denitrator looks similar except of the air-valve. I've asked around and was told to close the air-valve in the CR and it should work liao. Will probably try it out in the weekend.
  9. Used to feed them with the Aquapharm 5-in-1, now using Aquamedic's Plantco. (hope I got the spelling right )
  10. When my pratas are not happy in their spot, I usually move them to a lower light and less current spot. Feeding it will also help.
  11. I hardly target feed (which I should at least once a week). But I feed them marine snow instead, and other liquid food on other days. Think the corals also feed on the frozen food when I feed the fishes a couple of times a week. Some of the pratas near the auto-feeder are eating pellets too.
  12. Some random tank pics Mini squammies More mini clams
  13. Thanks Bros for the advise. Will try it out.
  14. Has anyone tried converting a CR into a sulphur denitrator? Is it possible? Please advise. :bow:
  15. Thanks for your kind comments. The bros in this forum have been very helpful and gave me loads of tips too.
  16. The dark markings on these zoas always reminds me of Batman.
  17. This one started to bleach a little after one day under direct MH. Think is recovering after I moved it to a lower light spot.
  18. Bro Lum, I moved this one away from the T5 liao.
  19. The color is coming back very slowly, but it's getting really fat.
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