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Everything posted by ming69

  1. Some pics of the kid's nano. Under sunlight
  2. Bro, the pink one I pass u, in my tank, is light green skirt and a girly pink ring. How come in your tank the pink become red liao?
  3. Sorri arh. Me look in "watermelon". U mean "Wham'n Watermelon" The Wham ones, is like the usual EE. The ones I got from Iwarna, the center is bigger. From LCK, the center is small dot. Don't know if they will turn out to the same or not.....
  4. U mean this one from zoaid? This one looks like paly. I used to have something like that but all disappear liao. This is the one I pass u.
  5. Wait a few more days and see how. Me no exp with furan2......
  6. Err... me not sure leh. They look almost the same. Is it the ones from Desmond's is yellow skirt?
  7. I have no idea leh. Usually just peel off slowly so don't break skin. Most of the time, I put the glue on the rock, then use tweezer to put the zoas on the glue.
  8. That pic only showing one end of the rock. About 30% melt off on the side this time. Seems to have stop liao. *praying hard* The pink one u passed me today, looks like something I have in my son's nano. But only have like 3 polyps in there.
  9. Err, the 2nd one looks a bit like Bro Lemon's dying blue zoa? Also have a yellow ring? The red one, looks a bit like something I have. But this one very troublesome, once in a while will melt. Maybe my eyesight no good, need bi-focus specs liao
  10. just in time! Check on the frags, and they are starting to open liao. Think should be ok for you to bring home.
  11. NICE gems u have!! Luv the first zoa u post. The red one. The blasto gdn is amazing. Don't have much luck with them....
  12. Pulled the numbers from RC's vit C thread.
  13. Since this is the Vit C thread, should have the dosage table: 1/4 tsp=1112 mg. For every 100 gallons: 5 ppm ----- 1892 mg VC 10 ppm ---- 3785 mg VC 15 ppm ---- 5677 mg VC 20 ppm ---- 7570 mg VC 25 ppm ---- 9462 mg VC 30 ppm ---- 11355 mg VC Dose 2x/day.
  14. Don't know whether it died or not, just superglue the clam shell on one side to a piece of rock. The orange rim (should be orange ring) is with dark center and dark skirt
  15. Ah yes... the new resident.. Will have to find a spot for it in the main tank first. At the moment, it's in the zoa tank and not a good position to take pics. This morning, busy frag-ing the orange ring zoa. Managed to do 6 pcs, each more than 10 polyps. Will see if the open up later in the day or tmrw....
  16. You may want to put that longish rock on the right center horizontal like a bridge. Looks kinda flat, so it's better to place corals.
  17. Think I have yellow, orange, green, blue and some with mixed colors.
  18. Probably about 20 pcs, I think....
  19. Didn't think of that until u mentioned it. haha
  20. Gonio Thot this one is a goner, but it seems to be coming back...
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