Pink birdnest $10 per frag. Should have 3 or 4 pieces.
1) Desi
2) Acidjc
Digi $15. one piece only
Reserved pending collection tmr
Monti $10. 3 pieces. It's blocking my cleaning magnet liao. The pieces will be the ones nearest to the glass.
1) acidjc
Stag?? (Blue tort) $10
Think I replied most of the pm. In case I missed any, pls confirm the above reservation.
Planning to frag the following pieces. But will only frag them during pick up cos I don't want to leave them on the sandbed.
Pink birdnest $10 per frag. Should have 3 or 4 pieces.
Digi $15. one piece only
Monti $10. 3 pieces. It's blocking my cleaning magnet liao. The pieces will be the ones nearest to the glass.
Stag $10
Stag?? $10
Self collection at Sixth Ave, Bt Timah/Holland area.
Have been busy with family stuff over the holiday period. Tank has a slight problem with fluffy red algae, otherwise nothing much has changed. Probably need to trim some SPSes cos some are growing a bit too close to the edge of the tank and to each other
Will try to take some pics for tank update........
Just noticed that this piece has encrusted itself to the LR in at least 3 spots. I might not be able to removed as a whole piece. High chance that it will break into a few pieces.
For the bros who bidded and mind that it might come in more than 1 piece, you can withdraw your bid.
Bidding for all 4 types as a package.
Starting bid: $10
Min bid: $2
Bid ends: Friday, 29 Feb, 2359(SRC time)
Self collect at Sixth Ave, during the following weekend.
A shot of the nano tank. In the beginning, it was a mushies tank, but now a zoa nursery. The zoas that are not doing well in the main tank are moved over and they do much better here, although there's some lost of colors, but they are growing well.