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Everything posted by diabolus

  1. why? you want urine and poo in ur tank water issit?
  2. i'll buy wat you said if you can tell me that Chelsea won the EPL title without Ladyluck smiling on them on certain matches... Dun blame the linesman, just blame chelsea for not taking their chances in the 1st leg. You wouldn't be saying this if the situation is vice versa. anyway, Gerard or no Gerard, football is a team game, not a 1 man show. and wat makes you so sure he will wear dat ugly blue shirt with a samsung logo?
  3. All you have to do is to click on the link provided at the left hand side of this page that reads SRC Easy Converter.
  4. u mean buayas in knight's armour?
  5. I used to have 1 in my old 4 footer. it was in my tank for 6 mths. Till i decommissioned it and put it in my nano. didn't make it after a month. seems that this fish prefers bigger sand size to sift. My 4 ft was using #03 sand. Nano was #0 sand. Size i supposed also play a part. didn't see it sift as often in the nano then in the 4 ft.
  6. i had the honour to have known him personally during my secondary school days. I was in Scouts and he was the Head of Scouts...and his home was very near to my school. We used to go to his place to do spring cleaning frequently. Very charismatic and friendly person. Indeed its Singapore's loss. Imagine the head of state chatting with us over drinks in his garden. That was one of my best experience.
  7. GAC should be put in a bag into the sump in a passive state.
  8. Euphyllia divisa aka frogspawn aka octopus. LPS or SPS? you go figure out...
  9. although its good to have a list like this to warn reefers of "dyed" corals... but wat authority do you have to determine which coral is real and which is "dyed" just by having a look at it? unless you have the knowledge of reef gurus like Eric Bourneman etc....not many reefers, even SENIOR ones...will be able to tell. take for example the red sun coral, there are red sun corals ard...check RC, its certainly real. you won't be able to tell 1st hand if its real or not at a LFS, so should you give the benefit of the doubt to the LFS? If its me, and its a red sun coral, i'll take my chance and buy it...if it turns out to be the real McCoy, i'll probably laugh at those who thought that it was "dyed"...if it is "dyed", then thats the last dough that LFS will make from me. how do you tell if it was "dyed" red? check your skimmer....if the skimmate bubbles are pinkish in colour...then you have bought urself a lemon. I have checked with Yiling aka desmond...and his skimmate is not pinkish after 4 days. just my miserable 2 cents worth.
  10. 2200LPH is not sufficient... its overkill.
  11. wahahahha.... this looks like a zombie out of some B-flick hollywood movie!
  12. downgrade lights and chiller still can buy squamosa ar?
  13. ooopppssss.... LCK is so much quieter without you nowadays.
  14. I dun think i'm qualified enough to 'enlighten' you on the exact husbandry of the griess. but according to my observations from watching them for countless hours... they are too fast and agile to be captured by other predators(read bristleworm,fireworm,crabs,hermits etc). Urs probably died because you chose a sick one. otherwise, they are one of the hardiest fish i've ever had. you will need to supply them with a constant supply of copepods if you decide to buy another griess. your lights should also be moderate as they are relatively shy towards strong lightings.
  15. OMG... dun you have anything better to do? cant you put everything together under 1 thread?
  16. so the mother of all female reefers have spoken.... so which part of USA are you in now? and when are you coming back?
  17. bro, will u be selling ur 2 ft tank?
  18. i dun think the bristleworm will kill ur griess. i have a couple of large size bristleworms in my griess tank and even spotted one of my griess side by side with a fireworm, and yet, they are still living together peacefully. instead of blaming the worms, did u get your husbandry for this fish correct? and yes, your starfish will consume the body of any dead fish.
  19. brine shrimps to the fishes are like sweets to our kids. tasty but nothing beneficial. if you give a kid a plate of chocolate and a plate of rice...which will he eat?
  20. bro, if no one wants the FR... i'll take it....judging by the price...its the 1L one siboh?
  21. guys... WM is just helping Ocean Planet to post... would't it be better to call OP directly?
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