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Everything posted by curahee

  1. Hi guyz, i juz setup a 2 ft FOWLR setup, is it possible to house 2 different type of dwarf angel? For instance, housing a flame angle with a cherub angle, will it cause any problem? Thanks!
  2. For my nano reef, been dosing for more den half a yr with near zero phosphate and nitrate, 4 mths ago i try something radical, i only dose vodka and nv change a single drop of tank water for the past 4 mths, what i notice is all my livestock and fishes r as healthy as before. But some of ric and all xenia die and melt away. Other den that, the rest of the remaining coral like ric, hammer, zoas, candy cane, blastos, GSP r doing well and GSP, zoas r growing along the liverock and substrate. Fishes and shrimp r healthy and eating. The only maintenance i do is dosing of trace element and daily coral food. Algae problem is minima. I wonder how long can this continue.
  3. Thanks bro. Since i got lobang for 70 watt bulb replacement, can use my 70 watt MH for another nano setup in future
  4. I share with u this link abt vodka dosage, i learn everything and tips from this webbie http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2008-08/nftt/index.php Very helpful.
  5. Bro sorry for late reply. Yeah same tot. 14k imo is blue enuf. Last time i also using 14k, now my hand itchy use 20k. Wanna test how well it fare as compare to 14k. Imo i feel 20k and 14k not much difference in term of blue, only blue a bit
  6. Some update of my messy tank, change the scaping a bit Some of my zoa Ric
  7. Hi bro, i nv use aqualight clip on MH hence i can't do any comparison. As for the second question, it depend on what coral u wanna keep, if keeping sps of coz 150 watt will be better. I have k1 and k2 and use both on my current setup and i nv notice any significant changes, the reason why i change back to 150 watt is becoz i cannot find any shop that carry 70 watt MH bulb, been to many lfs and all say they dun carry 70 watt MH bulb. Hence this is another issue when using 70 watt MH. Any bro got any lobang where carry 70 watt 20k MH pls let me know ya Anyway If i have a 45 cm cube, i will opt for a 150 watt.
  8. Bro so far its doing a gd job for my zoas, i can see growth and spreading of zoa. Anyway why u wanna change? T5 not gd enuf? Ur zoas grow very well and gorgeous lei.
  9. Sorry for the poor quality of pic, taken using my 3 yrs old hp cam, my DC spoil already Pic taken last week. Thursday something bad happen, my fan nv work and water temp raise to 33 degree. My coral "enjoy" almost 8 hrs of sauna. Hammer die, GSP polyp nv come out from its mat, bubble coral and cynarina nv expand to as big as before.... Heart very pain now. Hope i can nurse them back.
  10. Hello bro sorry for late reply. My old setup SPS all gone long ago after i do a major WC to curb my nitrate level, give up on SPS and now my current setup only LPS, ric florida and zoa. Will post some pic later. My tank nitrate problem also solve after i dose vodka daily, nitrate level from 50 drop to zero, beside that i can feed my coral very heavily daily with various coral food without any nitrate problem and my coral can be well fed at the same time as compare to last time.
  11. Wah bro u so sway ah, last week still have many in the tank when i go there, but i need to Q up to catch the gobies that time coz got 2 more bro waiting to take turn to catch the fish, nv expect it to be so popular.. lol i believe some one buy in bulk or what. Been to GO to get the xenia u mention, haha according to robin all 15 pcs also gone in one purchase by one customer. Same fate
  12. Its house in the row of tank facing the entrance of the shop. Top left hand corner tank.
  13. Ah beng has a tank of it when i go there on Saturday afternoon. I even get one myself
  14. U can get from henry, marine life at west cost there
  15. Hi bro may i know six line wrasse can do the job?
  16. Lol ok thanks guyz for ur enlightenment on this issue. Learn something new again.
  17. I have a bangaii, if i wanna add another specie of cardinal like blue face cardinal or pajama, it will result in aggression rite?
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