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Everything posted by SpiderOne

  1. 150watt DE MH between 80-100+ depending on what type of bulb u want. how long have u used that bulb?
  2. Data, the bridge is yours. Mister laforge what is wrong with our engines "i dunno ... i..
  3. AT. are we having a personality switch or something. u are tempting me.. to step... over the EDGE AGAIN!!!
  4. they will eat damsels. they eat a LOT . every other day 1 lobster?? u going to go broke dude.
  5. when u buy a specimen from the store. its going to die in a few months. not a very good pet IMO. some will only take live food and nothing else.
  6. yes. they have been known to accept thawed out frozen crusteceans
  7. show me your laser burn and i'll show u the spot where the romulan death ray grazed my ankle
  8. well i'd love to . but the guy whos body its on dissapeared and quite frankly between u and me.. i dun wanna see him again i can show my hairy stomach though
  9. beach bar got food . bum and joe meeting us there and im meetin ya at centrepoint first.see ya there. go 7-11 buy a hot dog haha. centrepoint taxi stand.. gonna bring back memories... of sparks next door.. and running.. and blood..and why theres a parang scar... nvm
  10. Going to east coast. the place is called the Beach Bar its at that macdonalds there
  11. And the Medium kahuna at same place same time
  12. orchard road best. i dunno how to get to east coast. hahaha
  13. Place is "The Beach Bar" at east coast . near the macdonalds there. u face the beach from mac turn left and walk its by the beach. great ambience cheap drinks. time is 8.30 added to list above : Joe P
  14. dun think u going to find even bricks to make a stand. juz custom a Stainless steel or order a cabinet . that would be your best bet
  15. since u are going to custom anyway.juz get 12mm 4ft or 10mm 3ft
  16. so far confirmed: Diabolus AT Tanzy Bum SpiderOne add your name. Support your FOUNDER. MAKE HIM DRUNK Venue is Pasir RIs Beach Bar. Or was beach bar in east coast i cant remember. Time 8-9pm like that ok ?
  17. i think its watchman goby.. but they are really ugly to look at.
  18. wait a while PR bringing in shrimp with the goby already paired. as in they are caught already together in the wild
  19. i think its more likely a mantis than a lobster
  20. i wan!!! dog shit 2 packet Can help me buy a woman also. preferably 16-18 . fair skin . long hair. thanx!
  21. so.. tonight how first then then then then then we
  22. ok. i will say a mixture of liquid and white soft parrafin . u know any powder that would make water into cream?
  23. Me:Today i will be making a moisturizer with a mixture of Liquid Paraffin, White soft paraffin, Sodium lauryl sulphate, Cetostearyl alcohol and water. First. The Liquid paraffin and cetostearyl alchol is heated over a boiling water bath (pour water from 2 bottles into 1 bowl inside another big bowl) . After that. The solution is removed from the water bath and SLS solution is added and the mixture is agitated until the cream cools. the resulting cream would be moisturizer. Lecturers: Bravo Bravo Aaron. You are a GOD AMONG INSECTS! WE SUBMIT OUR SOUL FOR YOUR JUDGEMENT. SHEMHAMFORASH HAIL SAT..AARON can i use powder to represent SLS . will it coagulate into a cream in water?
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