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Everything posted by SpiderOne

  1. im going through a quarter life crisis ( probably midlife . or shorter actually ) . Need to do all the things i need to do. ( go to tibet , live in a cave , live in the sea . or just go to iceland and enjoy the scenery and live in a tent everyday . ) . Must be Cold and full of greenery . Everyday just look out at the window and wonder why my life is so empty . must be growing old le . unlucky 21
  2. ever wonder if you have heavy foot disease . 9000rpm then change gear etc.
  3. there are clear kelp forests . just dont know where . i dun wan an aquarium man . i need a sea . preferanbly a nice freezing sea . maybe iceland . im going to build a house underwater and live there if i ever get the chance man
  4. i need to know . i need to go there . diving in these areas would be the best . why bother to see corals and fish when you can see kelp forests ! this would be the only reason i would ever dive . hope to go end of this year .
  5. jesus christ . my 13 year old civic gets around 7km/l i thought it was so rubbish after my previous 03 corolla which could almost get around 10-12km/l . didnt know hyundai were so crappy
  6. every girl is like that . You cant possibly find one who is not . Money the great leg opener
  7. that is not modern art . that is blatant stupid logo design
  8. think of discos and ah lians . why think of bengs and pubs . ur thinking low class leh
  9. canto techno also rox . like sammi cheng muaha
  10. i edited my above post . petshops i believe have aragonite sand which is black also but i heard it will dissolve in marine tanks . got many brand of black colour sand for marine tank la
  11. u cant just use " any " sand that is black in colour get black calcium carbonate sand . not so cheap though . and any bit of algae / dirt shows up damn obvious
  12. the pics are overphotoshopped like hell to saturate the colours .
  13. the new techno trance is too tame . the real technotrance was in the 90s , with masterboy , the real mccoy , imperio , captain hollywood project etc . basically anything you hear at sparks few years back . I source everywhere for the cds and i cant drive to work without them
  14. came out in magazine . its fakee
  15. sold ! to a bro here who reserve it and taking from me tomorrow
  16. ask diabolus . his black civic very fast
  17. see if ppl want to buy the set without the games first
  18. got setting to connect to the chiong server of xbox live also or the real one if you want . ( not sure how this works as dun play online maybe u can ask the game shop or something) Everything almost 1 year Old only . In perfect cosmetic and working condition . Selling because too much work no more time to play games ( yea .. really ) Comes with : XBOX console 2x Controllers All wires Plays all region DVD too , Using EVO X chip Games Included : Capcom Fighting Evolution Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Forza Motorsports Collectors Edition Jade Empire Limited Edition Need For Speed: Underground 2 Platinium Edition Phantom dust Guilty Gear ISUKA Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 2 Dragon Ball Z: Sagas Fight Night Round 2 Winning Eleven Samurai Warriors Ninja Gaiden Halo 2 ( Original ) Selling all for $290 + free delivery to ur place . interested sms 90041042 .
  19. when you give me $999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999
  20. u double clutch to upshift ? try double clutch at redline to the next gear then rev a bit ? i think u mean rev match ( ie you have to know what gear runs at what rpm at what speed ) , which is a LOT more complicated then " rev a bit " .
  21. It is just not rational to leave it there .
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