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Everything posted by Underwater

  1. It's likely to be difficult to identify a fish tt is cynanide caught as the damage is in the internal organs. Even the LFS may not know sometimes. Even if they do know, i guess most of them will not tell you. One indication i understand is the poo - usually white. Some may have swimming problems. Hence, IMO, the source country may be a better indication. Try to avoid fishes from these countries. But again, i also understand that there are fishes tt are able to survive long if the amt of cynanide used to catch them is very low. Also, good to buy from reputable LFS whom you know.
  2. Sadly, damage to fishes internal organs are permanent and most will not survive long. What you can do is to try to reduce chances of buying fishes that are likely cynanide caught and the source country is one indication...some reputable LFS will tell you more. Generally, l heard that some shipments, though not all, from Indo and Phillippines have higher chances of fishes that are cynanide caught. And it also depends on the amount of cynanide used in these countries. Actually, the use of cynanide is cruel to fishes, and it is damaging to the coral reefs also.
  3. Wow, another big tank coming up... Eager to see the set up pics...
  4. Very beautiful King. The colours are so rich. Bro...FTS FTS!!
  5. Well, l got two very hardworking sand shifting sea stars helping me stirring and cleaning the sandbed.
  6. Wow, yr trist and blue spots are very stunning. Both from AM? Formosa looks very fiece. Ha, another wrasse lover.
  7. enjoy reading yr cartoon-like fish pics with them talking...so cute. and the blue spots jawfish is really stunning! Wow.
  8. Sorry to hear that bro... 8 mths is really an achievement for MI. Tough fish to keep long IMO.
  9. Would love to see the rare golden fairy wrasse you have...keep us posted once u managed to take a pic shot at it yah?
  10. for eels, wrasses, soft corals?
  11. Bro, u got new taste for wrasses yah?? Some of those you bought are very nice and rare too!! Wrasses are indeed a very pretty bunch of fishes...sadly some of them are not reef safe. But shdn't be a problem for FOWLR...and you have many to choose from... Keep us posted...
  12. The equipment used are: Return Pump: Aqua Medic 3500 Skimmer: Aqua Medic Turbofloater w AM 2500 Light: 4x54watt HOT5 (only on 2x54watt to save energy) Wavemaker: Seio 1100 & Seio 820 Sander Ozoniser Small Fan (only on when the lights are on)
  13. Several victims have already shared their actual encounters here. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=58254 Yup, l think it's fair to him if good encounters can be shared too for a balanced view. AT, if poss, hope you can share those positive encounters by other reefers with us too since he has been keeping quiet all these while and pm newbies directly for sales.
  14. Just to add....it also depends on what livestock you intend to keep...some species of wrasse, goby, starfish prefer to have a sand bed.
  15. Bro Earth, As promised, but mine got some corals... Not really FOWLR yet...
  16. Likely that your dead anemone cld have released its toxin and clashed the tank. Not sure if this is a good idea...Maybe you want to consider helping your bro in law to remove the tank water and refill using new Natural Sea Water from fish farm supplied to you directly and add also in activated carbon? Then have the corals and fishes back in the tank? At least better than having them in the small pail for another 3 days with no skimmer no LR no filtration...dun think many can survive with the ammonia/nitrite/nitrate build up there... Or set up a new Quarantine Tank separately, if there is one. just my 2 cts.. good luck.
  17. Yr scaping looks much nicer now.. All the caves...nice!
  18. You have any other tang besides blue tang? Saw a big PT in yr avatar. If you're getting a PBT, i suggest you try to get one tt is stable and already feeding in the LFS...higher chances of survival IMO. But do note that PBT can be an ich magnet.
  19. You may want to post where you stay, and see if there's any helpful reefers who stay nearby who doesn't mind to drop by and help you take a look what's the problem. Are you housing the corals and fishes in the same pail? lf so, i suspect it's some dying corals (some leaks out toxins) that ruined the water and caused the fishes to surface. Separate them if you can and change to new NSW from the fish farm. Or maybe too many fishes in one pail liao. Wat happened to the main tank then? Is there any anemone ard?
  20. Haha, Bro Earth is refering to the new Integrated Resort at Marina Bay. Your scaping looks a bit like the new casino building. It's also good to have caves for fishes to hide and rest and night. Chromis is a good fish to add...one of my favourites....But sis....not as food later for your lionfish hor.
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