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Everything posted by Underwater

  1. yr sand shifting sea star shd be fast enough to burrow into the sand rite as i thought hermit is quite slow? hope yr sea star is fine now.
  2. In a case where wrasse is quite difficult to catch, better to have yr tang "caged" up in a betta box in the main tank, or put the tang in yr sump tank first till yr leopard wrasse starts to feed and familiarise w the new environment.
  3. Saw a nice blue sponge or maybe 2. How long have u kept them? Is it easy?
  4. And this one too...totally unexpected.
  5. l've not tried octozin. maybe you cld try and let us know the effect.
  6. Now i know one high possibility why my cleaner shrimps kept missing one after another....after hearing all those glass-breaking clicking sound at night!! The likely culprit cld be my pistol shrimps introduced unknowingly.
  7. If it is NOT in the main tank and in a QT, then i wld recommend copper. l use the one by seachem but must follow closely to the direction given in the label and a copper test kit is also necessary to test the level (to ensure no overdosage). Or you may want to try freshwater dip.
  8. Reserved for collection today by Bro Axxxxxxxx as he's the first to pm me.
  9. Reserved by Axxxxxxxx for collection today as he's first to pm me.
  10. To collect at Hougang Central. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...pic=60074&st=0&
  11. One week for cycling? Bro, l suggest u don't listen to that uncle anymore. His advice wld prob harm you more than good. Read more in SRC and other good forums wld prob be much better. Yr tank is too new for the mandarin to survive unless it is already trained to feed on frozen fd or pellets. You may want to ask a reefer friend to house it for you temp or you set up a Quarantine Tank for the fishes first till yr tank fully cycled. They are also many ways to speed up the process in the link. Happy reefing.
  12. Bro, to speed up for you...take some time off to read this: 10 Easy Aquarium Set Up Steps (Especially Step 6 on tank cycling) http://saltaquarium.about.com/od/startinga.../ss/aqsetup.htm
  13. Bro, 2 weeks are too short for the tank to cycle and for the ANN process to fully complete. Further, water parameters needed to be tested first before deciding to add any fishes. And good testkits are a must in this hobby...at least for pH, A.N.N. (Ammonia, Nitrite & Nitrate). Also check the SG. l think most likely are yr water parameters that caused the ich/white spots. Both mandarin (eats mainly copepods) and flame angel (sensitive to poor water parameters) are not suitable at this early stage, esp water parameters unknown. Since u've already bought them, i suggest you quickly do a test on yr water parameters and dun add anymore fishes. Do spend a little time to read more from books and forums, there are tons of useful info and discussions here to learn abt new set up. Any problems, can post here and i think reefers here will share some tips. Cheers...
  14. maybe you can let us know the other water parameters? esp pH, SG, A,N,N ? And how long yr nano tank since set up?
  15. maybe you can let us know the other water parameters? esp pH, SG, A,N,N ? And how long yr nano tank since set up?
  16. Selling at only $5. Bought at $10. Abt 4 inches long, peaceful fish. Healthy and been with me for > 6 mths. Collection at Hougang Central.
  17. The chromis are having a good time playing hide-and-seek in their new "playground".
  18. l think having a good reliable return pump is also very important.
  19. Mine was a very similar situation like bro cci[RR]us. Have a mature tank of angels and tangs. Usually i buy fishes only from reefers or reputable LFS that sell stable, quaran. and feeding fishes. Then went to a fish farm, saw new shipment of common clowns, itchy hands, bought two clowns, freshwater dip and add into main tank after acclimatization and next day..... Clowns developed ich, then more like velvet, remove clowns, but already spread like wildfire in main tank, in the end, only manage to save 1/2 of my angels,wrasses & tangs... A very painful lesson learnt. Felt sorry for the fishes tt perished cos of my carelessness.
  20. Likely cos of the new environment and being "attacked" by the older residents. But sohal shd be tough enough against those "attacks". When i introduced my sohal, none of the older tang residents dare to touch him and now he's the king. Think it wld be more stressful to put it back to the QT and then put it in the main tank again later cos the "attack" wld start all over again and sohal wld need to readjust to the new tank too. Since it is back to the QT, there are many ways to minimise the aggression from the older tangs...below are not the complete list...can combine a few - release sohal at night when the lights are out - rearrange the rockscape - put sohal in a betta box in the main tank - introduce food when introducing sohal - take out the chief "attacker or attackers" and introduce back later - let them fight it out but monitor closely - use mirror method to let "attackers" fight their own image to cool it
  21. l read that such situation may be due to caulerpa going asexual due to change in lighting period. Quickly remove them as the caulerpa may release toxic to the water during this period.
  22. Sounds like copepods to me since they are no fish to eat them. They are not pest, and are beneficial to your tank, esp as food some species of fishes.
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