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Everything posted by Underwater

  1. Wow, so many nice wrasses...envy envy, pic pic! I only have 3 wrasses and already had a hard time introducing new ones. How you do it? Betta box? And good that you've reduced the tangs.
  2. weather these days are torturing..perhaps time to get a chiller for my tank liao while elect bill keeps increasing. Sian.

  3. Giving away a maxima clam (brown color, kept being disturbed by my PT) and an algae blenny (chased by my kole tang). Collection at Hougang Central. Interested pls PM me. Thanks. (Preferred someone who has a big tank with strong lightings for the clam.)
  4. If you want the cleaner wrasse to survive, pls quickly give it to an experienced reefer, best with big fishes. Though there are a few success cases, chances of the vast majority eating prepared food are extremly low, and most of them usually perished in LFS or in our tanks due to their diet. This species should not even be imported in the first place and should be left in the ocean to benefit the fishes there.
  5. My skimmerless algae scrubber tank...softies tank.
  6. Not sure which queen (from sealife) i had previously but kept for more than a year till i sold away after i convert to softie tank. Been feeding it frozen ocean nutrition angel formula (sponge) bought from aquamarin once a week. I think it should this that kept it healthy. Coming back, from sealife: maculosus, asfur, sohal, emperor, foxface, abt, maldives PBT, bt, yt. Philippines shipment came in yesterday but would not be for sale till he quarantine them.
  7. In foie gras farms, i think it's the opposite. All female ducklings are killed while male ones are allowed to live...but sadly, to later live and die in a horror and painful death. I can't imagine one day aliens came to Earth and did the same way to humans. All of us would be screaming like hell.
  8. It's ok bro. Just avoid it next time. I'm once guilty of eating it too until a friend warned me about eating such diseased organ, alongside extreme animal cruelty.
  9. Sorry bro Gouldian that I added this in. Many are not aware that Foie Gras are derived from an extreme form of animal cruelty by modern mankind. We don't need such food derived from cruelty for survival. Geese/ducks were subject to extreme painful torture from force-feeding and living conditions. "Those people mechanised a tube at the end of a gun that is forced through the birds throat and down the oesophagus, sometimes they force down too much food and rupture the stomach. The birds' livers become so enlarged…that according to documentation by veterinarians, the animals must experience unspeakable pain and suffering. Birds have literally exploded from these forced feedings. The results of necropsies on dead birds that have been force-fed reveal ruptured livers, throat damage, esophageal trauma, and food spilling from the dead animals' throats and out of their nostrils." "In foie gras factory farms, workers are pushed to force-feed birds as quickly as possible. This bird's beak was likely broken when a pipe was shoved down its throat. The liver is then made into a pate called Foie Gras. The eminent Cardiologist David T Nash and many Dieticians are unable to understand why anyone would eat this diseased animal tissue (Hepatic Lipidosis), the fat is mostly Palmitic Acid , a saturated fat detrimental to health and known to drastically bump up the Cholesterol level." - http://www.grovepublishing.co.uk/ http://www.farmsanctuary.org/actionalerts/alert_FG_10_1_07.htm cruelty.bmp
  10. Oh I see. Thanks. Maybe within the quoted green box should by default exclude/remove all the quoted pics, as it can be distracting to scroll through the same pics again, waste of space too.
  11. Not sure if it was my screen. Over at "Weekly LFS Livestock Update" thread and some others, the "Quoted" comments by reefers were not boxed up in green like this thread here. Hence, it bit confusing trying to differentiate the comments by different reefers.
  12. Dear Desi, We can understand how you feel. It's always a stressful thing to see a fish dying slowly from starvation in your tank despite ways to get it feed. You've already done your best. Buying a non-feeding fish from LFS always carry this risk. One way is to buy from LFS that let you see if the fish is feeding first. At least i can see that you've feeling for the fish. Sad that there're some reefers that treat fishes like lifeless toys and don't give a damn or feel a thing when the fish die. They simply throw it away and buy another piece to replace. Euthanising the fish is one way to shorten the pain and suffering of the fish, but it's also quite sad and painful for the owner to administer. The bright side is you are able to keep a PBT well and alive while some of us can't. Keep it up!
  13. Your tank may be too small to have enough algae to support the algae blenny if it doesn't feed on pellets. Once you notice it's stomach gets thinner and thinner, you can either sell it here or let it up for adoption to a reefer with big tank. Don't wait 'cos it will die of starvation if you don't do anything to help if that happens. Try to get a few bigger liverocks to scape and scape it upwards too, it'll be nicer.
  14. Wow, $100 for a cuttlefish...and you feed it with sexy shrimps. Expensive meal though.
  15. Sheng Siong shld have and they sells lot of different live shell fish too...
  16. Not many corals left. Got two very big liverocks that are filled with GSP. Very nice.
  17. It's not unusual for wavemaker to stop spinning after you leave it out of water for a while. Try the methods as suggested. It's very unlikely for Jameshong, a long time senior here, to cheat you of the pumps for a mere $45 if they are not working in the first place. Further he said that he had given you one week warranty to try out but you didn't. You should have called him to clarify instead of sms-ing which he might not have read. Posting here straightaway before he could explain may not be fair to him. As he had clarified, you had refused for a refund.
  18. AquaMarin Blue tang Sunburst Anthia Firefish Goby - Red & Purple Zebra Goby Foxface Dragon wrasse (fierce) Yellow wrasse Vlamingi Tang Algae Blenny Yellow drawf Angel
  19. Maybe can consider shifting the 2 wavemakers to the 2 sides of the tank so that you have a nice and clean backgrd. More natural too.
  20. Pellet eating CBB? Wow, how do you train it to do so? If you method works, you will save this species from dying in many reefers' tanks.
  21. As of yesterday noon, sealife has lots of healthy fishes: YT, PT, asfur angel, sohal, emperor angel, PBrT, Kole, goldflake, potter, flame angels, yellow belly regal angel, black ocellaris, many others, etc.
  22. Wow, the color of the anemone is so nice! It's good that it stays on the sandbed, better than moving around and go near those wavemakers.
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