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Everything posted by Underwater

  1. From what i was told by some reefers who tried Purple Queen, the same advice was given: "Don't waste money and fish lives by buying Purple Queen". Reasons none of them succeeded keeping them long in captivity. But i have tried Randell and Lyretail anthias. Both eats frozen mysis and pellets readily.
  2. UPDATES: 1) Main Tank : 5 x 1.5 x 1.5 - $120 (Price reduced) (With 4ft big sump tank, black cabinet, hood) 2) Pac Coo Chiller 1/2 HP (just serviced) - $200 3) AM OR3500 - $150 4) Seio 1100 - $40 – Reserved 5) Seio 820 - $30 – Reserved 6) Coralife UV 3x 9V - $40 7) Betta Box - $10 Fishes (all healthy, stable & eating pellets) 1) Sohal Tang - $80 – Reserved 2) Purple Tang - $40 – Reserved 3) Orange Shoulder Tang - $20 - Reserved 4) Naso Tang - $20 - Reserved 5) Convict Tang - $20 - Reserved 6) Green wrasse - Free - Reserved 7) Long nose hawkfish - $15 Corals 1) Lumi green bubble - $50 2) Brown bubble 2 pcs - Free 3) Starpoly 2 pcs (1 lumi green, 1 brown) - $5 each 4) Cup coral - $15 5) Plate coral - long tentacles (lumi green) - $18 6) Plate coral - long tentacles (brown) - $15 7) Green & purple tip rose hammer - $25 8) Green & white tip rose hammer - $25 9) Red man eater zoos - $15 10) Orange yuma - $15
  3. Sorry guys, too many pms, still sorting out and update soonest... and more items coming up too with pics...
  4. Hi Rogerttt Thickness shd be abt 11mm with euro-bracing. If interested, can pm to discuss further. Thanks.
  5. Big sump for those who like to add lots of stuff in and those who like big return pump compartment tt reduces water top up frequency...
  6. Collection at Hougang Central. Equipment can be elsewhere. 1) Main Tank : 5 x 1.5 x 1.5 - $180 (With 4ft big sump tank, black cabinet, hood) 2) Pac Coo Chiller 1/2 HP (just serviced) - $260 3) AM OR3500 - $150 4) Seio 1100 - $40 5) Seio 820 - $30 6) Coralife UV 3x 9V - $40 7) Betta Box - $10 Fishes (all healthy, stable & eating pellets) 1) Sohal Tang - $80 2) Purple Tang - $40 3) Orange Shoulder Tang - $20 4) Naso Tang - $20 5) Convict Tang - $20 6) Green wrasse - Free Corals 1) Lumi green bubble - $50 2) Brown bubble 2 pcs - Free 3) Starpoly 2 pcs (1 lumi green, 1 brown) - $5 each 4) Cup coral - $15 5) Plate coral - long tentacles (lumi green) - $18 6) Plate coral - long tentacles (brown) - $15
  7. Joining bro Gouldian's uncle, l'm decomming my tank also. Tank, corals, fishes & equipment on sale. Details coming up shortly...
  8. He has already made a correction. l think no need saying such poking remarks on his sales thread tt doesn't help him at all.
  9. If yours are without durso pipes like mine...(empty overflow box) Just sharing my diy setup, but not sure if it's good for you. i use a arcylic/plastic sheet (abt the same size of the overflow compartment) with holes and place it slightly below the top (supported by two thin glass strips glued on opposite side). The tank water will flow onto the arcylic sheet and the water will rain down through the various holes. (i saw a bro using 4 thin pipes on each corner to hold the arcylic) But i have some bioballs beneath to cushion away more sound. To prevent the bioballs being stuck at the draining hole below, i use egg crate (longer than the overflow compartment size but same width) and elevate at an 45' angle to hold the bioballs. If you don't like bioballs as some say they are nitrate factories if not cleaned frequently, i think without them the sound should already been minimised. Just another option for you to consider and try out.
  10. Bro, just sharing my 2 cts comments. Even though you have quarantine yr PBT and AT, they still contacted ich when introduced to yr main tank. It is prob cos water condition in yr main tank was not ideal (you mentioned 80 ppm), esp for water quality demanding fish like PBT and AT. Now that your new PBT and AT (both fishes are difficult to keep and required pristine water condition) are ok without ich, your water condition shd be above average OR prob 'cos of hypo treatment. If not, both will get ich within a day. BT is a greedy eater and as long as it feeds well on garlic soaked food, yr BT shd be ok after a while, considering yr tank is still in hypo treatment. Don't worry too much. If those are stress spots, they will go off. Not sure how true but l once read in internet tt stress spots look like spots protruding out from the skin and may not be white while ich is usually near-white and looks more like spots growing ON the skin. If problem persist, can consider taking out the BT to quarantine and/or use copper treatment in a quarantine tank. Now, keeping yr water parameters in pristine condition for all fishes, esp PBT and AT, shd be the top priority now cos when you increase back the salinity to normal range, ich may return on yr AT and PBT (due to stress) if the ich parasites are not totally eradicated in the main tank. If still no ich on AT & PBT after returning to normal sG level, then yr tank water parameters IMO shd be ok. But do not add any more LS, esp "pooing machine" - tangs which will increase NO3.
  11. i also think it is a type of fairy wrasse, doesn't look like anthia at all to me. How abt a FTS? l believe with all the different fishes you have, yours gonna be a very colorful tank.
  12. Ha Bro Omar, finally post yr nice tank pic here. Got a FTS under white light? Quite difficult to see under blue light le...
  13. Thanks Bro Gouldian for the info. Now not sure if i shd shift back my chiller return outlet from my main tank back to my sump since i can't shift up my chiller?
  14. Wow, didn't know of that...l've been pumping my chiller returns directly into main tank vertically at 2 ft height. Will there be back pressure even if the pump is running?
  15. l have this question in mind also. Thanks for the useful information.
  16. Maybe it's time to add more LR?
  17. Bro, since yr tank can be viewed from both sides, maybe you want to shift the seio from the centre to the side so that it doesn't spolit the view. Also, try not to add too many damsels as these are quite aggressive buggers to new fishes and you will have a hard time removing them later. As usual, stock up LS slowly yah... Happy reefing...
  18. Wah bro, you gonna need lots of arm power to lift and load those distill water in... Siong! Keep us posted with new pics....
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