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Everything posted by Underwater

  1. What a cute hamster..quite unique fur coat also...does it bite? Sorry abit
  2. Setting up a chiller is no small matter for a student with no income cos his parents are paying. IMO, temp of 28'C is ok for corals and fishes. Just that you got to constantly top up water due to evaporation from use of fan. A chiller has many advantages and really good to have for a reef tank, but to some reefers, factors such as noise, warm air, space for chiller and high electricity consumption (in times when inflation/prices are going up) can be a important consideration.
  3. Hey Bro Fuzz Welcome back. l'm the one who collected yr sand & cheato when you decomm. Rockscape wise, l really like yr previous tank arrangement where one side of the tank had LR tt stacked all the way up. Very nice. Still remember yr overgrown US zoos on the floorbed....like a sea of flowers
  4. u may want to shift the clam to the top as it needs strong light to survive. But i think yr normal light may not be sufficient for the clam. Maybe some clam experts can advise better than me. Cheers.
  5. so humble, aiya, this thread supposed to be "display of fowlr tank" mah...reefers want to see pics le...
  6. Hey bro Ah-Lim, Time to display yr tank and the new acquisitions (angel?) for all to admire?
  7. $200 for a 5ft tank w sump w pump is very good price liao lah...
  8. i often see Petmart in Serangoon Nth selling. Can call them to check. They often sell their stuff at real good prices.
  9. Can contact Victor from Irwana for delivery of NSW. Good for new setup of big tank.
  10. Can learn from Bro Ah-Lim, with many fishes and yet 0 nitrates. Amazing....the power of LR.
  11. IMO, i think there is no need to turn on 2 fans cos your evaporated rate is quite high. Just keep at 30'c and below will do for FOWLR. After June when the weather cools down, then things such be better and you don't need to turn on any fan. Other ways if you want to consider are: 1. go for lower wattage pumps and wavemakers (if you have) to reduce heat. 2. for fowlr, you don't need strong lightings or prolong lightings for corals, you can turn on when you are home in the evenings Chiller is definitely not necessary for FOWLR, considering the increasing high electricity bills you have to pay nowadays. Help save the environment too.
  12. Bro, just to share that the flowrate of the pump needs to be compatible with your UV light wattage. And with UV lights on, it also doesn't mean that the ich will be eradicated. It only kills free swimming parasites that happened to pass through yr UV, not those enchrusted on fishes bodies or elsewhere in the main tank. Hence, UV can only reduce the amount of parasites. Of course, that's better than no UV light at all for your situation now. Wish your tank ich problem subsides soon...
  13. Oh yes, forgot to mention...why don't you shift those ANN meter, temp meter and magnetic cleaner from the front to the side. At least they don't block your front view. Just a suggestion.
  14. Bro Wil, Nice setup le... but make sure the fan is well secured hor, if not... and abt adding one more hydro pump, it will add more heat to yr tank also wor... get a mate for yr clownfish lor...she looks pretty lonely though. prata wise, ermmm...will it be too big for yr tank? (Actually, and personally, l dun quite like prata leh, like a big piece of meat out of nowhere in a marine setting tank. In fact, i dun think i see prata in the reef ocean documentaries or books. Opps, think going to be wacked by many prata lovers soon liao... just my opinion lah.... ) will follow yr thread...keep the updates coming...
  15. OMG!! Sorry to hear that. That's one of the worst nightmares when we travelled overseas. The current stock looks great too, keep us posted when there are more new acquistions...
  16. If your tank is big and tank is about to start up, can call Irwana (Victor) and they will deliver right to your doorstep and pump into yr tank. Much cheaper and less messy than salt mix. Don't have to use DI water to mix with salt also.
  17. Bro Earth, Yr fishes seemed to be much lesser than before...last time got many wrasses, tangs and angels. You sold them huh?
  18. Dear all, Left Aqua Medic Skimmer with OR 2500 pump. The rest all sold and reserved. Also clearing Frozen Hikari Mysis Shrimps. Left 8 full packs/slabs with styroform box. Selling at $8 for all only.
  19. Aqua Medic Ocean Runner 3500 - $100 All equipment are with me from 6 mths to 2 yrs. Conditions are from mostly 7 to 9 out of 10. Buyers are free to inspect and test before purchase.
  20. - Clip-on Fan (powerful) - $10 - Fish food - all for $10 - Mostly 90% full. - AZNO3 - $10 - 90% full - Kent Marine Garlic - Free with any purchase - Hydrometer - Free with any purchase - Timer - $5 (Very new) - Salifret Nitrate Testkit - Expiry May 2009 - Used only 5 times - $8 - Tetra pH Test kit - Free with purchase - Coralife Safety Glove - (Left Hand) Free with purchase
  21. Jebo 4ft HO T5 54W x 4 tubes lightset - Given away 6 extra tubes. - $48 Jebo 2ft HO T5 18W x 4 tubes lightset - only one tube - $18 Each set comes with extra 2 plastic legs.
  22. Clearing my equipment after my 5ft tank decomm. Collection at Hougang Central. Next to Hougang MRT. 1. AquaMedic TurboFlotor Multi SL with Aqua Medic Ocean Runner pump 2500 - Selling only at $280 (For aquarium up to 600 litres (150 gallons) "The Turboflotor Multi SL is our most versatile protein skimmer. It can be fixed to the side of the aquarium (´hang-on´ mode), or placed inside or outside the sump of the filter. Its compact size makes it small enough to be stored under the cabinet. In the ´hang-on´mode, only the pump is placed inside the aquarium. The pump Ocean Runner PH 2500, 37 W, features a venturi with the patented Aqua Medic needle wheel. The skimmer itself has the conical collection cup inner tube (also patented), and a lid, and two outflow boxes for directing the outflow back into the aquarium. Height: 55 cm, c. 22"m, Total width: 17 x 17 cm, c. 7" x 7"
  23. Try to look at the source also to prevent adding more to NO3. If not, whatever you do, NO3 will still be high. Study your bioload and feeding routine. If too many fishes, esp tangs, then reduce. Don't overfed and feed too many times a day. Reduce the amount of frozen foodmix and frozen mysis first. If mysis, defroze and drained out the water.
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