half year old 26" skimz beckett skimmer with riohf32 and a waste collector for sales at 400 nett.
this is kind of specially made as they do not make 26" as regular unit.
it come with a sliencer and the interior edge are rounded for better foaming
do sms me at 98421344 to enquire about this
bro, using credit card? cp got interests free for their dslr.
i got mine from cathay photo at marina square. i wont really recommand alan photo unless you did your homework, or they will overcharge you. ms color at amk is also a good place to go.
my 0.02
those are the special nice nice and big size manti shrimp. in singapore you can rarely find someone who wanna keep a mantis shrimp. if its small, you wont see it, if its big, he just have to whack the tank and the whole tank can give way.