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Everything posted by w3ish3ng

  1. well, if its dyed, shouldnt the root be purple too? its a yellow root purple tenecles anemone as you can see in the previous picture.
  2. his regal ate all his meaty corals before.
  3. sigh, its better to have 3 feet for 1 tank, so by right, that tank should only have 3 tangs not 100 tangs!
  4. ok sorry, my bad. A small colony as its really so small that i would called it a frag instead of colony.
  5. just find out the price of having zoa ship in from us, price around 50-70 per frag. got this price from a zoa guru, as he often got them ship in from the states for his own collection
  6. actually you can learn from some of the bros here, get them to ship over to singapore, 1 frag is like 70+
  7. i mean a additional of 5bucks ea will be enough right? he already said his friend helped him to bring in. meaning even if we dont buy his friend will still make the trip down to get it, thus paying a additional 5-10bucks is enough, but 30bucks more? guess how much his friend can get if 10 reefer buy 1 frag each. just my 2cent
  8. erm, friend bring in, dont even have shipping fee to cover at all
  9. 1 frag is like super small only, 15 to 20poylps i guess, if you frag it 4 time, if 2 polyps die each time, you will be left like 2 to 3 polyps each doubt that is worth it.
  10. reflector 130 bulb 90 ballast 40 pm me if you are interested
  11. gsp will not grow on sandbed, unless you place a flat piece of rock under the sand
  12. bro, are you a stock broker? if i'm you i will go for 6x3x3/2.5 will be very nice. will this be reef or fowlr?
  13. may i know what pump are you running with the skimmer? and does it come along with it? thanks as for tubby, it will help you top up fresh/di water when your sump or tank level is below the assigned level.
  14. actually you SHOULDN'T buy the corals and DONATE the money to charity.
  15. its their own money, how they want to spend it is their problem, if you want to hate, hate yourself first, how much have you spent on this hobby? those money can be donated to feed others. think about what have you done to charities first before you comment on others
  16. that is in the states, in sg, i guess its 3-4time more exp only
  17. actually i seen before. my female clownfish once jump into the overflow. as she was sleeping near the overflow i on the light out of sudden thus she got a shock and jumped into the overflow. parameter all was in good amount at that time. so maybe you would have shock them thus make them jump out of the tank
  18. erm, can you break down the cost of the mce clone? and provide a drawing or something? thanks alot
  19. i diy the rest for the mh, if you dont want it, you can just take the reflector, the bulb(blv14k), the ballast. all for 270bucks. bulb been used for less then 40hours.
  20. is that a fish? any online pic to show? interested
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