your tank parameter all alright? got fish that stress them? usually when i dump tangs in, they will have stress spot but my neon goby will settle everything. as long as they feed well and dont look restless and not stress at all, the fish most likely is able to get rid of the itch on its own
bro, MUST is too strong a word, i rather use 'most likely'. well with the livestock, i see no problem with it except for bioload. but, spendid dottyback are fierce bugger, must have to take note of him
cf qurantine their fishes. get from them and you wont be wrong, but price will be higher. well, blue tang shouldnt be too hard to get it to feed. since they are one of the most greedy tang around
you go pay lfs to bring in lor. if you didnt pay up full, they wont even try to import in. too risky i think. why dont you try to find old thread? marinebetta had 1.
not really, i used to have 1, someone gave it to me at 2" very very thin guy. within 1 and half month, it double its size to like 4" and very fat. i feed what he ate almost 3/4 of it