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Everything posted by w3ish3ng

  1. ey, not your baobei ever since this monday ok? its mine.. wait.. nooooooooooooooooooooo it's his baobei now. x(
  2. regal never whack ar? if this guy die, you will get killed by me and another reefer. hahaha
  3. erm i kept mine at 27.5 and its been doing for for the past 2 month
  4. bro, swee also must tell me which one swee ma. pm me which fish you wanna know the price. xD
  5. rd 10m3. seen from another forum
  6. my goldflakes angel My blue face angel the only 2 angels left in my tank as of now
  7. i would say go for geo aquatic or aquamarin afterall they are specialised in marine tank unlike those in arofanatics who is used to do fresh water tank. the design of the sump and so on will be much much different.
  8. bro, those look more like yuma then of rics to me
  9. then how am i going to tell my gf that i got a new gf today?
  10. nah, even more high class, he aiming for higher series.
  11. dont need that much, my 3x2x2.5 also use more 70kg nia. 3ftx4=12ft 70kgx4=280. maybe 400kg max.
  12. get a 5ft shark.. with 2 ft width and 2 ft height, he is not going to move much. or should i say, dont have space to turn at all.
  13. but bro, are you really capable of keeping the fish alive? that is the main objective. what if i buy you a fish today and tomorrow it died?
  14. my neon goby also dare to clean it. so you say? Its not aggressive at all.
  15. erm, then he invite them over every month? what if tank crash? i wanna get my aunt to adpot me a black tang already. XP
  16. i sponser special sevices too. now erm, adopt a black tang.
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