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Everything posted by w3ish3ng

  1. sis, cannot see reef safe la, nothing is guranteed reef safe. should phrase it this way, IT'S COMPLETELY REEF-SAFE UNLESS YOU SUPER SWAY
  2. what size is it? interested leh.
  3. queen? i think you are refering to king. i only know king have touch down in singapore last week, while queen is supposingly this week(uncomfirm)
  4. ok thanks. well, i thought the price will be much cheaper since you mention super special price. anyway, thanks. cheers
  5. any 3.5-4inches adult king angel spotted there? and the price can pm me? thanks a million
  6. selling both at 80bucks, do sms me at 98421344. collection in tampines
  7. desmond just have a hawaii shipment in, got flame angel, king angel and 1 flame hawk. was only there to collect fish so didnt notice much
  8. bro, you should have read up before you bought it, they need special tank to survive. even if you dont have any wavemaker, as long as they keep bumping into the wall, they will suffer from injuries and die off
  9. i think he meant IOS-internal overflow system, however for a 2ft tank i would recommand a external overflow system to maximise the space in the tank
  10. very good price! anyway can pm me how much you wanna sell the deltec skimmer alone
  11. oh. sorry cant yet. i still have to clear fish and redo my scaping and that will be like after my Os.
  12. how big is it? maybe you can place it in my tank.. but then, i need time to clear fish. haha, still thinking of a snowflake eel or a golden dwarf moray
  13. sorry to correct you abit, they are more of shrimp and crab feeder in the wild. and opportunist fish feeder. so their primary diet is invertebrates while secondary is fish
  14. settle for acrylic tank then. there is a 19feet or something bowfront tank in holland which totally no problem. bio ocean jebo tank also bowfront if i am not wrong, 12footer. with totally no problem and its made of glass
  15. deltec is still most people first choice not ati.
  16. in my view, 1 bubble king 1 box for the collection cup, 1 box for the body
  17. wa lau then spare abit for my angels to eat la... cannot every good things give your butterfly eat nia.. BROS out there, grab his zoo fast, quality ensured!
  18. up for you bro! but wa lau eh, dont want do my business.
  19. brother, got any zoo let my angels makan not? lalalalala hahaha. any sunny for sales?
  20. too chio ma, i forced people sell me, he forced me sell him
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