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Everything posted by w3ish3ng

  1. golden butterfly, as long as its not sick for the carpet, sticky, nice color, and the mouth closed.
  2. i still think that is purple, dark purple..
  3. swee.. look more like purple to me leh..
  4. what the hell... what color is that??? i never seen such color before leh!
  5. if you guys go pasir ris farm, can help me see if the carpet anemone in ah beng chio? and i also looking for golden butterfly. dont wanna cab in to see empty farm...
  6. whoa very nice clown... but sadly dont have the budget for it yet..
  7. looking for nice big size, 8" above long tentacle anemone, bubble tip anemone, carpet anemone (both haddoni and gigantea). if you have 1 for sales, can pm me with picture? thanks in advance!
  8. actually, i think for moorish idol, the first thing is of course feeding. but unlike other difficult fishes, even when your moorish idol start to eat like pig, eat mysis, pellets and so on. it will still get thinner and thinner and eventually die off. i tried 2-3 moorish idol before, all feed on mysis, clam and pellets but eventually they will just die for no reason. like feeding in the morning before i leave for school, noon when i am back, they just die. think maybe its the way they catch it, maybe its due to cyanide catching..
  9. have a fat 3inches flame hawk for sales.. going for 70bucks
  10. no worries, i will wait for others lobang for the liverock then..
  11. i kept my fishes at 26.5 to 27 degree as i got a few deep water fishes in there. so far they all seem happy to me with nice coloration then i keep them at 29 degree
  12. think i should actually list down my fishes.. they are hiding in the rock. thanks but the scaping still not yet finished leh i got 2 chromi (blue) 1 king (brown/blue) 1 flame angel (orangish red) 1 flame hawk (red) 1 mystery wrasse (pink) 3 multi color angel (white/blue/brown) 1 regal angel (yellow/blue/white) 1 tomini tang (replacing it soon) 1 black cap (purple/black) 1 neon goby (blue/black)
  13. here's a pic of mine but i still need to buy some rocks to scape the left size.
  14. still on crutches leh, mother dont let me go out.. heard japenese coral coming in... you saving for that? shit i ot too much liao guess i have to post a fts here or something already..
  15. bro did you recieve my sms regarding the liverocks and wavemaker?
  16. what size is it? the same as the pic attached?
  17. less then a thousand can get a top of range already. if you know nothing about cam, go for prosummer range, i believe the hit rate for you will be much higher then dslr.
  18. hmm ya, its like 1 year plus never see hybrid liao, in fact, nowdays also rarely see blackie already baby one is hardy leh unlike the adult one.. flame angel? someone selling a pair of flame leh.. go hoot it then i can stop thinking should i get it already not..
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