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w3ish3ng last won the day on May 13 2019

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  1. Still looking for one with director!
  2. Looking for the abovementioned. Don’t mind getting it together with the ai director. TIA
  3. Thank you for the advices, hope someone can try it out as I'm still planning for new tank. If the fan work well during normal days, I believe a dehumidifier will aid it during raining day to prevent sweating.
  4. Don't like acrylic, would rather do double pane thick glass then acrylic, used to have a 1ft cube custom made acrylic tank for planted, scratch damn easily
  5. That's why we are finding ways to resolve it isn't it?
  6. Well, its just that i love ventralis, bandit and wrought iron butterfly which will thrive in temp 22 and below. Thus am trying to find out if its feasible to do so in singapore without too much hassle.
  7. Well it depends on the temp you wanna keep, if its not too low, then will be pointless. I wonder how's the clarity will be like for those double glaze panel. Don't know got starpphire or crystal type for them?
  8. That should be the most appropriate for the viewing panel and should work well. But wonder any tank maker is able to do such a tank?
  9. That's what I'm thinking of. Wondering what temp will the 19mm start sweating.
  10. From what I know, the only possible way for you right now is to either on air con to bring down the humidity and temperature of the surrounding down or use a humidifier. For new setup, I reckon a layer of thick Styrofoam around block glass panel and double panel glass with a air gap in between for the viewing panel should be able to prevent all sweating.
  11. No implication for livestock, but excess sweating might damp your stand. Yes its just another term for condensation. Reason I'm asking for other opinion on this is to know what type of setup will be suitable for a tank that will run in lower temperature such as 22-25.
  12. Too sianz so can back disiao can? But what temp your tank start sweating? Go try leh.
  13. Please state your glass thickness as well. I remember mine at 23 degree with 10mm thickness will have the viewing panel fully covered with condensation within a short time.
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