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cool guy

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Everything posted by cool guy

  1. i hav e same experience also with purple firefish. it chase n kill my royal gamma....
  2. i hav e same experience also with purple firefish. it chase n kill my royal gamma....
  3. halo... nothin to do so read up older posting n found tis thread... e tang look cool... any bro noe which lfs bring in tis cool fish?
  4. if only im rich....... my dream to own all e fish above..... can somebody lend me 5k.... hehehehehe......................
  5. if only lck can accept installment payment, might be able to get e clarion... very2 tempting.... hehehe.........
  6. thanx bro... not getting anymore fish for e time being. jus got AT from lck last week. wanna settle down e fish first.
  7. i place them in beta box n throw in many2 pallet... at first they dun eat. but on second day then they start to eat. once they look abit fat, then i release them from e beta box. but e funny part is tat, one of them continue to eat n e other jus refuse to eat when i release them. now its up lorry...
  8. lost 1 of my africanus angel... it jus refuse to eat.... wat a day to start for new year.....
  9. thanx for all e advice bro... guess wil jus keep it fowlr.... maybe wil jus add fake coral then.... hehehe.....
  10. hi all.... firstly wanna wish everybody a very happy new yr '2010'.... would like to noe, is it possible to put monti coral together in a tank full of angel n tang? my equipment are jus chiller, uv light, skimmer, wavemaker n 4tube t5. tank size is 4 by 2.5 by 2.... my tank look dull... so hav tis idea of putting abit of coral.... thanx..........
  11. lookin for french angel n scribble angel..... any bro spotted tis 2 fishes?
  12. any bro tat keep goldflake n conspic angel, can post pic of ur fish... give me some inspiration.... hehehe......
  13. conspic will try to get next yr durin july(bonus day) hehehe.... guess bandit will be out of my list. goldflake, i got no luck. my 3rd attempt only last for 4mth. eat quite well but as time goes by, it gettin skinner n die. clarion, ya it cost a bomb. but when i c e fish, wow!!!!!!!!! if stirke 4-d then can buy.... hehehe.........
  14. thanx bro orsony for e info. got 2 africanus from lck during previous shipment. one is 2inch n e other bout 1.5inch. hopefully when they reach adult, one wil be female n the other wil be male. hehehe....
  15. thanx terry for e info. got myself 2 regal angel last mth from eastside lfs. was told to get this 2 as he say it might be a pair. both r stil in juv stage. size bout 1.5 inch. so far they both do swim together but when feedin, ther a slight chasing....
  16. hi all... wanna noe e feedback on tis angel before i commit to owning it in e future... any bro down here who keepin tis fishes can share their experience. show pic wil be gd... n also how to care for them.... spectacle angel bandit angel goldflake angel clarion angel
  17. need e pro to differentiate between male n female regal angel n africanus angel... thanx.....
  18. i wan to be on e waiting list too.... my no 93228832... cheers....
  19. hi... can pm me e price... interested.... oh ya... wher e collection place?
  20. thanx bro.... nice meetin u.... keep in touch ya....
  21. any update at sealife.... lookin for africanus, french n scrible.... thanx....
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