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cool guy

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Everything posted by cool guy

  1. thanx for ur feedback bro... Wil take note... Cheers
  2. im using a china brand chiller. Dolphin... Can get at clementi fish shop...
  3. thanx... its for return pump to mini chiller..... wil get more rics to cover it up....
  4. sory for e blur pic coz e wrasse swim so fast.... got it from lck....
  5. angel wil always be wit me.... hehehe.... tis is my nano tank... i got another 4ft fowlr wit many2 angel....
  6. thanx bro onizuka.... tis rics r from bro thomas when he decom recently due to moving house....
  7. sori bout e big pic.... i duno how to resize....
  8. recent scaping..... comment plz....
  9. Interested bro... Wher to collect?
  10. Wher u get e melanomarginatus from bro.... mind pm me n e price too.... thanx....
  11. Any update from lck? Is e lineatus n scribble stil around?
  12. upz for a very nice n humble reefer.....
  13. is my tank overstock? my tank is 4 by 2.5 by 2.... here is e list of the fishes: bluering angel majestic angel blueface angel asfur angel earspot angel townsend angel french angel rock beauty angel regal angel x2 coral beauty angel x2 spotted tang naso tang blue tang nigger trigger blue sided wrasse solar wrasse rainbow wrasse whip fin wrasse temmicky wrasse yellow hog fish green mandarin algae blenny spotted cardinal x10 normal clown x12 naked clown black clown x2 total = 51 fishes hmmm.............
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