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cool guy

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Everything posted by cool guy

  1. Bro lemon, u really got gd taste on wrasses. In future if u spotted nice nice wrasse, do giv me a beep ya. Time to stock up my wrasse. Finish wit angel fish...
  2. Cool tank bro... Nice black sand... Btw blue tang r not for nano tank. It wil grow big very fast...
  3. it jus wanna show to ur majestic tat it is much more nicer... lol....
  4. wow... its nice bro... gd catch... if bro terry don wan then can sell to me... lol.... n e wrasse too....
  5. ive kept tis fish before when i was young.... but mom didnt like it. so hav to give it away after 3mth of owning it... wonder wher got sell tis fish again?
  6. me too.... wonder how to get them.... but price sure ex rite....
  7. thanx bro... wil wait for ur larvae to grow... pray hard for ur success....
  8. i will be starting another IQ3 tank... tis time wil try on zoas... resident wil be a pair of obliqued dottyback.... anybro spotted tis fish do pm me ya... thanx....
  9. looking for a pair for my new resident of second IQ3 tank.....
  10. ur rite bro... tats how it werk.... only for small tank....
  11. yup... bro terry is rite....
  12. any update on ur IQ3 tank bro.....
  13. then, bro terry, we share can. I get a male n u get a female... Then let bro fuel breed for us many2 ... Hehehe....
  14. Ups for tis solar wrasse... Its a nice fish... Too bad im staying at tamp. If i stay nearby, definately i will get both of ur wrasse... Ups for u...
  15. sori bro. I don get wat u mean... Im lost....
  16. cool... U wil lead e club hor... im thinkin of gettin another tank. Maybe keep yumas or zoas or sun coral... My filter compartment r jus sponge. Do weekly water change. Those fish r dottyback. Exclusive breeding from bro fuel...
  17. i use it for my return pump for my chiller...
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