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cool guy

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Everything posted by cool guy

  1. Picasso Clarkii is a clown fish tat i wanna own... Thers another pic at RB... Its so nice n cool...
  2. Lemon, im jealous too.... Terry if u happen to c it again, do cal me hor...
  3. Bid on behalf of a frenz who wanna start reefing...
  4. Ya i got mg,ca n kh... Im using biopellet for my fr. Btw thanx for ur advise bro... Will work it out...
  5. Any bro staying near blk 831 tampines st 83, who is able to help in my setup for a 2ft cube reef tank. I jus dunno how to use my dosing pump n also FR... Anyone can help. Im a person who is terrible in theory but good in practical. Ahakz... Ive done some read up but stil dunno how to use e dosin pump n wat to dose.
  6. Hi all... Any bros here werking as house agent? Wanna buy a new house but got some difficulty. So if anyone werking as house agent or got a very friendly n realiable agent, do pm me ya... Thanx...
  7. Bro samchenz, e ray at ah beng cost should be cheap... My frenz bought one before... Its $18... E price should be e same i guess...
  8. Thanx solo... Terry, ther stil 1 more colini angel... Small size. Cute fish. Its inside e sps frag tank.
  9. Ya agree wit bro tunicate... From my view, its better for u to setup a fowlr tank. Play with fishes first n gain experience. After 2 yrs, when u hav a new place then u can start building a reef tank. Btw not all fish can be kept in a reeftank. Like bro orsony say. 5ft tank is jus nice for u to keep big beautiful angel...
  10. Terry tat candy hog fish can be quite territorial once stabalised. From my experience, ive keep 1 in my 4ft tank before. It was so territorial tat it kill most of my wrasse... Jus my experience... Hope urs r not like mine...
  11. Hi bro... Hows ur tank goin? Any update?
  12. Ups for a very nice n humble reefer... Btw nice coral bro....
  13. Yeah... In tat case i got both species... One wit pointed dorsall fin n one without...
  14. Nice zoas n superb scaping bro...
  15. Nice scaping bro... It look better... For fowlr, angel will be a gd choice... Here r e list of wat angel to start with. For a starting, try keepin a very n easy angel. Majestic, blueface, asfur n emperor. Once u getting good in marine, u can try french, queen, king, scribble, africanus or goldflake. Once u r pro, u can go for conspic, clarion n etc etc etc.... Cheers bro... Hapi reefing...
  16. Ur majestic look so huge.... Nice tank btw..
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